Chapter 11

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Megan's P.O.V

Today me and mom went to sign me up for softball. She wants me to play on the high school team but I'm not even in high school yet. You can only join high school teams once your in high school or 9th-12th grade .

So I signed up for local softball, if I continue to play then in two years I'll be on the high school team if I made tryouts.

But I didn't have to tryout for local softball.

We signed me up for that. Yay.... I think.

Since its spring now I play softball from spring to summer and field hockey fall to winter.

Like I said I have everything I need and a lot more that I don't need.

"First practice is next week" mom said excited. Moms gonna help out at practices . To make me more comfortable that I'm around at least someone I know.

I went home and did my chores. Like feeding Ginger, yeah she's still alive, but she's really old. I think she might die this year which is sad to think.

I fed ginger , cleaned my room which I didn't have to do cause it's always clean, Did my laundry, and dishes.

Me and Tyler only do chores and Mia and Lilly never do chores but mom thinks they do.

I went to sleep since it was Sunday we had school tomorrow.


I woke up and just wore jeans and a t-shirt, and sneakers.

Tyler drove me to school.

I walked down the 8th grade hallway after I went to my locker cause I'm in 8th grade math instead of 7th grade math.

After I left math which was 2nd period I went to English.

We have 9 periods a day. This is my schedule.

Period | Class

1st: History

2nd: Math

3rd: English

4th: Science

5th: Lunch

6th: Health

7th: Physical education

8th: Study Hall

9th: Study Hall

I went threw the day quite as usual. I walked to 8th period with me homework . We can do our homework in study hall and you know study and stuff like that. It basically just a free time to do what ever but since I have no friends I just do homework.

It didn't really matter if you were late to study hall as long as you got there at some point.

I got my books out of my locker that I need for my homework.

"Hey dork" Lilly said coming up to me with Mia and all their friends.

My locker was still open cause I was still getting my books. Mia slammed the locker on my hand. It didn't close it just hit my hand hard.

I did say ow, I held back my cries because they would make fun of me for crying.

"Aww little baby trying not to cry" their friend Carley said

I closed my locker with my good hand and started to walk away , but Josh one of their friends slammed me against the locker.

"Don't leave just yet " Mia said

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