Chapter Fifty Two

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Sophia's POV

" What's wrong with Calum ?" Luke asks

" I'll go " ash sighs

" No , I will , you guys make yourself at home " I say quickly then head out the door , Michael was right that Calum is acting weird tonight and what just happened summed it up. I pull out my phone and ring him but it goes straight to voice mail. I carry on walking down the dark streets having no idea where to look

"Calum please reply I'm walk round the streets alone looking for you :( ' ~ me

'Go back then home , I'm fine without you " ~ cal , my eyes tear up at his words but I blink them away , no matter how much of a dick he's being I'm not leaving him alone at this time. I pause for a moment and think of all the possible places he could have gone. I make a left turn and head towards the field , it's a place where he could have gone. I walk carefully into the field and look around cautiously, I was about to turn around but then I saw him , sitting on the wooden bench , staring into the distance. I make my way towards the bench and sit down.

" I said go back home " He sighs with frustration

" Do you really think I'm gonna leave one of my closest friends alone at this time of night ?!" I reply , widening my eyes

" You should of , just go away stop being so fucking annoying " he spits

" Yeah , maybe I should stop caring about you because every time I do all you is give me shit , I've been pushed away so much in my life and I'm trying to tell you to not make the same mistakes but I'm starting to feel like you don't even want me to be your friend " I cry

" Soph..wait..." Calum starts but I cut him off.

"No , I can't do this anymore " I reply , tears falling down my face , I stand up and Calum does the same. I start walking towards the exit but Calum stops me.

" I'm sorry Soph please don't.." but her again I cut him off

" I'm tired of being hurt Calum ! Your apologies don't mean anything , leave me alone " I cry and walk back home. I enter the door and head straight up into my bedroom and just cry , I slide down against the door and sob.

" Awe Soph c'mon let me in , its Ash , the others are watching a film " I hear Ashton coo , I open the door and let him in , he wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around him. " C'mon tell me what's happened ? Where's cal ?" he asks sitting on the bed

" There's nothing to tell Ashton , I've given up " I sigh

" What do you mean ?" he asks

" I wish I didn't throw my blade away , I need it " I carry on taking

" No you don't ! We got rid of them " he smiles

" But it's all my fault , Calum hates me it's my fault !" I exclaim and sob , I quickly make my way into the bathroom and lock it behind me , shutting Ashton out. I pull out a razor and sit against the wall with it in my hand.

" Soph please don't do this ! or I'll do it to " he cries , I scream loudly out of frustration and throw the razor at the wall , I unlock the door and Ashton comes running though , he lifts my sleeves and smiles at the plane skin , not even scars any more.

" Your so brave , you did it , you won the battle " he breaths in my ear as he hugs me

" I haven't won anything Ash , Calum hates me " I sigh

" He would never hate you , he loves you to pieces , he's just not himself tonight " Ash smiles weekly

"Hmm he's not right at all " I reply

" Maybe...."

" No Ash , he's done it again , he doesn't want me anywhere near him and he's made that pretty clear to me." I sigh and walk our if my bedroom. I'm right with one thing , he's not right at all.

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