Chapter Sixty Two

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Sophia's POV
I open my tiered eyes and sit up only to fall back again , I notice Calum's arms are around my waist and he's holding me down , I would stay here and hug him back just as tight but when you gotta pee you gotta pee.

" Calum , hey Cal wake up " I shake him but he just mumbles I'm sleeping back to me. " Calum ! I need to pee !" I exclaim but that still doesn't get him to wake up , I grab my glass of water of the coffee table and slowly pour it on his face making him shoot up but me fall of the sofa , without saying a word a rush into the bathroom before I pee my self. When I walk out Calum is in the kitchen setting up the pumpkins and getting the carving kits out

"Did I hurt you ? Are you okay ?" he asks

" I'm fine Cal , I needed to pee " I smile

" Oh okay I got changed " he states , I nod and quickly run back upstairs and get changed. I scurry back into the kitchen and jump on Calum's back.

" HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!" I shout , he chuckles and presses his lips to my cheek as I slide of his back.

" Happy Halloween " he smiles

" Let's get carving !" I cheer , ripping open the packaging to the carving sets. I draw a quick outline of jack from nightmare before Christmas and start cutting the pumpkin but some pumpkin seeds flick out and hit Calum in the face.

" Omg I'm so sorry " I laugh , I watch as the seeds slowly slide down his face, whilst he pouts in disgust. I chuckle and wipe the seeds off his face and onto the floor.

"OW FUCK !!!" Calum exclaims , holding his finger , I flinch but then take his hand in mine and examine his finger which has a small cut. I skip over to the sink and open the cupboard under neath it , I pull out a plaster and head back over to Calum , he chuckles slightly as I put the plaster on his finger. I smile once it's done then kiss his finger.

" Thanks " he smiles kissing my forehead

" Be careful next time , the reason I brought pumpkin carving kits is because their safer ! use them " I chuckle

" Good call " he laughs
Around two and a half hours later it was half eleven am and me and Calum had finished the pumpkins.

" I wanna watch a movie !!" Calum protests

"Well the remote is right in front of you " I reply , pouring the candy into the cauldron's and plastic pumpkins.

" But I want to cuddle with you " he replies quietly , I blush even though he can't see me.

" But Calum I'm busy " I sigh moving onto my next task.

" I'm surly more important " he teases ,
I sigh and put my head in my hands , I'm stressed out for no reason , how crap is that ? Seconds later Calum comes into the kitchen.

" Oh god Soph I'm sorry if I'm going on to much " he apologies

" No , c'mon a film sounds great , I need to chill " I smile and link our hands , he leads us both back into the living room and we lye down on the sofa cuddled up , Calum brings our links hands up his lips and kisses my knuckles. Why is he doing this recently ? He's always leaving sweet kisses on my cheeks or forehead and now my hand , and now asking for cuddles ?

" Halloween movie ?" I suggest after pushing the thoughts away

" Uh huh " he smiles , as I change the channel someone comes running though my front door making me stand up instantly , Luke rushes through the living room and dives at me , hugging me tight.

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