Chapter 1

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AN - These first couple parts of the book take place before Peter gets bitten by the bug so he still has his glasses and stuff like that. (But we are gonna pretend that Uncle Ben is already passed...... Rip Uncle Ben......) Just thought I would let you know. ;)

"So, you guys ready for the field trip tomorrow?" you asked your friends while you grabbed your books for science out of your locker. "I am! Oscorp Industries is like a multi-billion dollar company and their technology is like AMAZING!" Ned exclaimed making crazy motions with his hands.

You laughed at how he explained it. "Yeah. I agree with Ned." Peter agreed letting out a light chuckle at Ned. "How about you MJ?". MJ lifted her head from the book she was reading and looked at you "Eh, I'm not necessarily that into Oscorp to be honest." she said with a monotone voice.

Suddenly the bell rang and you and Peter went to science together.

"Does anyone know what genes are a part of in the nucleus of a cell?" the teacher questioned. She took a minute to look around the room before calling on you. "Y/N?" she gave you a stern look as you are usually the one daydreaming. And of course, you were daydreaming.

You sat there trying to remember the answer when suddenly Peter said something under his breath to you "Chromosomes" he said quietly not looking at you. "Uh- Chromosomes?" you said in a questioning tone. "That is correct" the teacher said moving her attention back towards the board.

"Thanks" you whispered toward Peter. He looked at you giving you a small smile as if to say 'No problem'.

You were so relieved when the bell rang dismissing you to lunch. You walked to your locker to see Ned, MJ, and Peter all waiting for you. "Hey guys" you said breathlessly. It was definitely tough having to walk to different classrooms that were like miles a part from each other every hour. Ok so maybe they weren't that far apart but it sure as hell felt like it.

Once we all got sat down at our very empty table we started talking about the trip tomorrow. "So since we are all in the same tour group what do you guys think about having travel buddies?" you asked excitedly. Everyone kind of gave you a confused look.

"umm... Travel buddies" Peter asked trying to hold back his laughter while adjusting his glasses. "Well I don't know what else to call it!" you defended yourself. "Well I think its a great idea." Ned said smiling at you. "Finally someone who agrees with me." you said motioning towards Ned.

"I call being with Ned!" MJ said out of nowhere. You honestly didn't know that she was even listening. "What? Why are you stealing the only one who thinks like me away?" You asked playfully. "Because he will be able to keep me distracted on the boring tour and it will give you and Pet--" "Ok i'm gonna stop you right there!" you said out of nowhere. Peter gave a confused look but then just shrugged it off.

MJ knew you had a crush on Peter. She said she wouldn't tell him but that was a close one. The only problem was that Peter had his eyes on someone else. More specifically, Liz Allen.

She was the type of girl every guy fell for. And you can't say that you blame them. She's smart, pretty, and sweet. Then there's you. The potato that no guy would ever dream of dating.

It kind of hurt you when Peter would gawk about Liz but you wanted him to be happy. So if that meant him ending up with Liz. You knew you had to be happy for him. After all you are his friend. Nothing more.

Different is good. Right? (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now