Chapter 13

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I was swinging around when I noticed the vulture sitting on top of a sign. Perfect! I shot a  web at the sign and stuck to the side waiting for him to start flying off. It took him forever but he finally took off and I shot a web at his suit and held on for dear life as we went above the clouds. I have never been this high before so I was a bit nervous.

He landed underneath the plane while I was being slammed against it. His wings started folding up and I caught a glimpse of him putting those cube things on the plane and then that matter phase shifter thing showed up and I watched as he slowly lifted himself up into the plane. I tried to shoot a web but it came back and hit me in the face and I started slipping. "No n-n-no!" I mumbled and shot another web but it just slipped off of the plane. Luckily I caught myself and was able to stick to the plane. "That was close!" I mumbled catching my breath.

I slowly started crawling to his wings and started kicking them to try and get them off. Suddenly a drone thing came out and flew out beside the plane. I kept trying to pull at the wings but they just wouldn't budge! I finally started kicking at them again and it started moving! "Yes!" I said kicking them harder. Then Adrian got in his wings and started flying around the plane. Does he ever give up?

"Just a typical Homecoming.... On the outside of an invisible jet..... Fighting my girlfrien-- well ex-girlfriends dad!" I groaned trying to stick to the plane. I looked over and I saw the Vulture coming at me. I ducked just in time as he sliced through the plane and I shot another web at him sticking to his feet and we took off again. I shot a web at the plane with my other hand and was able to stop him from flying off again. Then my web snapped and I was flying right towards the jet engine. I shot a web and was able to dodge it and sent half of the wings towards the engine and it tore them up. "I can't believe that worked!" I exclaimed and then my webs broke again. I was able to stick onto the plane as the engine went down.

I was starting to slip into another engine when I shot a web and it stuck onto Adrian. The only problem was that every time I would shoot a web at him he would slice it off. I fell back and shot a web as the plane started plummeting towards New York. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed trying to think of something to make it not hit New York. I shot a web at one of the wings and started pulling it towards me. "Please turn! Please turn!" I yelled pulling with all my strength. My webbing snapped and I was back where I started "No!" I exclaimed and stuck onto the side. I watched in horror as we rammed into a building and crashed into a sandy area.

I was thrown off and blacked out. I slowly started to get up as my head was pounding and my ears were ringing. I slowly started regaining hearing and looked up to see the Vulture coming at me and he rammed into me flinging me backwards. I stood up again and saw Adrian struggling with his wings. "Hey Pedro" he said and his wings started lighting up with electricity. I dodged his attempt to ram into me and stood back up to find him. I tried shooting a web at him but he threw me down and his feet attached to me and clung onto me which really really hurt! I screamed out in pain and he started punching me. I was able to grab his fist one time and he took us up and I was able to detach his feet from me and shot a web sticking to him before I hit the ground. He flung me around and made me hit the ground again. I looked up and he came on top of me slamming me down on the ground repeatedly when he slammed me down one final time.

I rolled over on my back almost unconscious and he grabbed me by my hood and lifted me up slowly. He noticed something behind me and dropped me and went after it. I looked up and saw him trying to garry a metal container and I noticed his wings about to explode. "Your wings... Your wings are gonna explode!" I yelled. I slowly lifted up my very sore hand and was able to shoot a web at him. I stood up and tried to bring him down but he was so strong. "Time to go home Pete!" he yelled to me. "I'm trying to save you!" I yelled trying to pull him down. He cut my web off and I slammed backwards into the ground. I looked up in horror as his wings starting sparking more. I tried to shoot more webs at him but I ran out of web fluid. "No no no no no!" I exclaimed as I looked up and his wings were on the verge of exploding. I covered my face waiting for an explosion when his wings dropped and I looked up. "No.... NO!" I groaned getting up and running towards him.

I got to his wings and went to lift one up and it burnt me. I pulled my hand away and went to grab a different side. I threw them off and looked down and saw him laying there. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulders and carried him out somewhere with less fire and plopped down on the ground as we both groaned in pain and coughed.

Once I felt strong enough to stand I stood up and looked at Adrian one more time and looked around my surroundings taking in all of the damage as I waited for Damage Control to show up. I ended up using the rest of the webbing I had left in my other web shooter and webbed up all the boxes and Adrian and left a note that said 'FOUND flying vulture guy - Spider-man. P.S- Sorry about your plane'. I climbed up on top of a roller coaster called the Cyclone and sat there exhausted and hurt as I watched Damage Control inspect everything.

The next day I got a call from Happy for once and he told me that Mr. Stark would like to meet with me today and I was a tad bit nervous as to what he was gonna say. When we arrived at the new Avengers Headquarters I was impressed. It was huge and really cool! It was even more impressive inside.

I stood there and watched a jet take off as I waited for Mr. Stark. "You don't see that everyday!" Happy told me as I turned around. "Oh there they are!" I heard someone say. I looked over and saw Mr. Stark."How was the ride up?" he asked us "Good" Happy replied "Give me a minute with the kid" Mr. Stark told him "Seriously?" Happy asked "Yeah.... I got to talk to the kid" Mr. Stark told him "I'll be close behind" Happy reasoned "How about a loose follow? Alright? Boundaries are good" Mr. Stark said walking up to me.

He fist bumped me on the shoulder then wrapped an arm around me holding me close to him. "Sorry I took your suit... I mean you had it coming. Actually it turns out it was the perfect tough love moment that you needed right? To urge you on right? Don't you think? Don't you think?" he explained to me as I nodded "Y-yeah yes" I told him "Let's just say it was..." he said and let out a sigh "Mr. Stark I rea--" I started but he cut me off. He must have a thing with cutting me off cause he does it a lot. "You screwed the pooch hard... Big time. But then you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic you.... Raised the hybrid puppies... Alright not my best analogy... I was wrong about you.... I think with a little more mentoring... You could be a real asset to the team" he told me as I looked up at him in shock. "T-t-to t-the team?" I stammered "Yeah. There's about 50 reporters behind that door waiting real ones not bloggers..." he told me tapping his watch and a wall opened up revealing a really cool Spider-man suit "When you're ready... Why don't you try that on.." he told me walking up to it. I stood there in shock. I was SHOOK! I honestly didn't know what to say. "And I'll introduce the world to the newest member of the Avengers.... Spider-man" he told me watching my reaction as I stepped closer. "I-- hehe wh- hehehe" I stuttered still trying to find the right words to say. "Yeah give that a look." He told me "So after the press conference Happy will show you to your new room your new quarters...Where is he between he's uh next to the Vision?" he asked Happy as I was still taking in the new suit. "Uh yeah Vision's not big on doors..." Happy explained "Its fun" Mr. Stark explained "Or walls..." Happy finished and I turned around to face Mr. Stark."You'll fit right in" Mr. Stark told me. "Thank you Mr. Stark....... But I-I'm good" I told him and he looked at me confusedly. "You're good? G- How are you good?" he asked me "W- I-I I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while friendly neighborhood Spider-man.... Somebody's gotta look out for the little guy right?" I chuckled and he took off his glasses. "You turnin' me down? You better think about this I mean look at that? Look at me. Last chance yes or no?" "No" I replied "Ok.. Its kind of a springsteeny working class kind of thing... Uh Happy will take you home. Yeah?" he asked Happy. "Yeah mind waiting in the car? I need a minute." Happy asked me "Thank you Mr. Stark" I told him "Yeah. Yes Mr. Parker very well." he said shaking my hand. 'See you around" I told him and headed to the car. But then I turned around "That was a test right? There's uh nobody back there?" I asked him "Yes. You passed" Mr. Stark told me. "Alright skedaddle there young buck..." "Thank you Mr. Stark. Thank you" I told him and walked back to the car.

When I arrived back home I walked into my room and noticed a bag on my bed. "May?" I called out. I figured she wasn't home and walked to the bag. it said, 'This belongs to you - T.S'. I opened it up and it was my suit.

I put it on and walked to the middle of my room and slowly took the mask off. I stood there feeling really happy and excited..... Until I heard a voice. "What the fu---"

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