Chapter 5

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When you told Peter to take a week to himself. You had no idea he would take it this far. The last time you saw him was Friday and he hasn't shown up for school at all this week and its Thursday. Not even Ned knows where Peter is and that makes me worried. Ned knows like literally EVERYTHING about Peter so if he doesn't know where he is no one will.

"Has anyone tried texting him?" You asked with concern clear in your voice. "Yep. Calling to. It just goes straight to voicemail." Ned said sighing. "M.J, have you heard anything from-" "Peter? Nope. Y/N you need to calm down. You have been asking about him ever since Monday. He's probably fine. Ok?" She said trying to cheer you up. As much as you wanted to believe he was fine it was still hard. Peter means a lot to you and him getting hurt or.... You just wouldn't be able to live with it.

For the rest of the day you kept staring at the door. Just hoping that maybe he would walk through. So when lunch came around you took advantage of the free time you had immediately whipping out your phone at the table. 

You- Peter where are you?


You- Peter Parker?!

You- Peter Benjamin Parker??

You-Peter...... Come on please text me back when you see these.

You- Please. I'm worried about you...

You tapped you foot anxiously staring at your phone. "Y/N? Y/N? Y/N!" M.J snapped her fingers in front of your face "Wha-What?" you shook your head and looked up at her. "Y/N you need to stop worrying. Your giving me anxiety!" M.J said putting a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry" you said softly lowering your head. "How about we go get some ice cream tonight to get your mind off of things?" you and Ned both nodded your heads.  "Yeah sounds good!"

Peters POV

I was doing a video diary on my way back to the airport that would take me back to Queens when all of a sudden my phone BLEW UP with messages. Happy looked back at me through the mirror. "Whats going on back there?" he asked. I must have just gotten enough service for notifications. "Lets just say my friends are worried about me." I chuckled clearing my phone notifications. 15 missed calls from Ned. 5 missed calls from M.J. 30 missed calls from.... Y/N. 6 messages from her too. Crap.

Peter- Hey, i'm sorry I missed your texts. Germany has some pretty bad service lol

Y/N- Germany???? Peter what the hell are you doing in freaking Germany?!?

Peter- I got the Stark Internship... And I took that break you said I needed...

Y/N- You never told me you signed up for the Stark Internship!

Peter- Surprise?

Y/N- You have some explaining to do whenever you get back. When are you getting back anyway?

Peter- I don't know yet

That was a lie. I would be back tomorrow but I kinda want to surprise my friends. I hope they won't be to mad.

Your POV

Germany? And he didn't think to tell his friends? Oh this boy is so lucky that you care about him or you would probably kick his ass to Asgard and back! Once you told M.J and Ned where Peter was they were just as surprised as you. When you said take a week to yourself you meant just skip school and stay home. Chill. But I mean ok. Germany is fine to..

"I swear if he ever leaves me again with a worried Y/N like that ever again. His ass is getting kicked!" M.J stated looking over at you from across the table. You were tempted to throw your ice cream at her but you refrained. "Haha very funny!" you playfully rolled your eyes. "I'm just glad he's ok" you said letting out a sigh of relief. "Me too. I don't know if I could take another five seconds with you that freaked out." M.J laughed. "You know what? You can pay for my ice cream now" you said sarcastically. Everyone just laughed.

The next day you walked into school lazily. You kept wishing that Peter was gonna be there but with your luck. That wasn't gonna happen. You were walking to your locker with Ned and M.J when you saw something. It was the back of someone head walking down the hall. But you knew who it was. "Peter?" you whispered. "What?" M.J said following your gaze to Peter. "Oh no" M.J said to Ned. You ran up to Peter and attacked him with a hug not even looking to see if it was actually Peter. "Oh my god! Peter!" you said hugging him tighter. "Need.... To.... Breathe" he said out of breath. "Sorry" you said softly letting go and looking at him. "Peter why didn-- Oh my god Peter your eye!" you said softly touching around it. "Yeah uh had a little run in with a friend from Brooklyn" he chuckled "Some friend" you muttered which made Peter laugh.

Lunch was when you were gonna have a talk with Peter about not telling you things. "Peter I swear to god if you EVER leave me alone with a worried Y/N EVEEER again I will literally go crazy on you!" M.J stated giving Peter a serious look. "Aww she was that worried about me?" he asked looking over at you which made you blush. "Well- uh um Y-yeah your my best friend of course I would worry!" you said feeling a bit under pressure. "Anyway I know guys... i shouldn't have left you guys without telling you where I was goin--" he was cut off by Ned "Not important right now. We need to know about this Stark Internship!" Ned said excitedly. "Oh yeah... That."

After Peter got done explaining everything you were in shock. Your best friend was interning with THE Tony Stark! You were really proud of him but he did say that he would have to put a lot of his time into the internship which kind of worried you. Would you still be able to spend time with him like you used to?

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