Chapter 2

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You walked into school the next morning feeling really excited. Today was the day you would get to go to Oscorp! Not only that but you would get to spend the whole day with Peter.

You met up with Peter by his locker. Ned and MJ had already buddied up and headed to the teachers while they waited for the bus. "Ok you ready?" Peter asked you as he closed his locker and looked you. "Hell yes!" you exclaimed. Peter just grinned at your excitement. You didn't know it but Peter loved seeing you happy.

We walked to the line that started to form when all of a sudden Flash shouted to you guys from behind you. "Sup Penis Parker!" Peter rolled his eyes and you immediately turned around to send him a death glare.

"Oh I see Parker got himself a girlfriend!" he shouted while looking at you. "Leave Y/N out of this" Peter said getting a tad bit angry. "Ooooh I'm so scared! What you gonna do huh? Throw your math homework at me!" "Flash that's enough" you heard someone say behind him. It was Liz.

You turned to look at Peter to see that his gaze had softened and saw that his eyes were on Liz. "You don't want to miss out on the trip now do you?" Liz said to Flash. Flash just scoffed and pushed past you and Peter. Liz sighed then flashed Peter a smile as she walked off. 

"Thanks for trying to defend me" You said to Peter as you two walked on the bus. "Yeah no problem!" He gave you a smile and sat down in the seat with you. "And thanks for agreeing to be my 'Travel Buddy'" you joked. "Wouldn't want to be a travel buddy with anyone else".

You couldn't help but kind of think about how much of a lie that was. He would love to be a travel buddy with Liz and you knew it.

When you guys arrived at Oscorp excitement started to take over. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to visit Oscorp. And to say you were happy was an understatement.

Once the tour officially started you weren't even sure you were really listening to the tour guide. You were so distracted by all the technology and maybe a little bit by Peter too.... The tour guide noticed something was wrong so she told us to stay put.

While she was away I noticed this really cool machine wanted a picture. "Hey Pete can you take this picture for me?" I asked holding out my phone. "sure" he took the phone and told me to smile. He took the picture and all of a sudden dropped my phone. "Woah you ok Peter?" I asked him worriedly.

Peters POV

I was snapping a picture of Y/N and all of a sudden I felt this stinging feeling on my hand and dropped her phone. "Woah you ok Peter?" Y/N asked. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Yeah Yeah i'm good." I said bending down to get her phone luckily it didn't crack. for the rest of the tour I felt a little odd. But I couldn't really pin-point what was going on.... So I just tried my hardest to get through the day and not think about the bite.

Your POV

The tour sadly came to an end early because of a problem that they wouldn't go into detail about. I was a little disappointed but was glad that we got the rest of the day to ourselves.

When we got on the bus I couldn't help but notice how sick Peter looked. You were starting to get really worried. "Pete are you 100% sure you are ok?" I asked sternly but with concern.

Is there something he isn't telling me? "Huh? Oh yeah I'm just tired. That's all" you gave him a small smile and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

------Time Skip------

When you got to school the next day you saw Peter over by his locker but something was different. "Hey are you feeling bett---" You stopped talking when he turned to look at you.

"Peter where are your glasses?" "Oh I uh- I didn't need them" you were about to question him further when the bell rung. So you and Peter headed to science again.

When the time came for lunch all you could think about was Peter. No glasses, and not to mention something was different about his body shape too. Ned and MJ seemed to notice the glasses part but not the body part. I guess you were the only one that really payed any attention to his body. Whoops.

Peters POV

I was finally let out of that hell hole. And I was glad cause now I can finally see what I can really do. I stayed out for a while testing out what I can do when I noticed something. I can climb walls. And I have heightened senses. Its so cool!

After a few hours I decided to start heading home. When I got home I made this suit thing. I decided that if I was gonna have these powers I might as well put them to good use right?

And that is exactly what I did for the next couple of weeks. (AN- yes that means a time skip)

Your POV

"Yet again Spider-man saves another citizen who was under attack in......" the news reporter continued on with the story while you grabbed your stuff.

This Spider-man dude has been all over the news here lately. I like him to be honest. I like that hes trying to keep Queens safe. But now I got to go to hel--- I mean school.

 I got to school and Peter looked really tired today. And he had a slight limp when he was walking. Ned and MJ hadn't made it to school yet so you walked up to him.

"Hey are you ok?" you asked with concern "Yep! Never been better" he lied. You knew he was lying because his voice gets high pitched when he lies. "Then why are you limping and not to mention you look really tired"

"Oh uh I uh- tripped on a rock yeah on the way home and it took me longer to get home cause my leg hurt." he said nervously. "Ok well you ready for first period?" you asked him with a smile "Yup"

".....And the last pair for today we have is Y/N and Peter, so please come grab your packet." the teacher instructed. "I'll go get it" Peter said quickly.

"No no no no no no no you do not need to put anymore strain on that leg than you already have to so I will go get it" you argued getting out of your seat. You grabbed the paper and walked back to your seat.

You were really glad you were partners with Peter since he has been pretty distant here lately and you are really worried about him. Having this project with him could give you the chance to talk to him personally.

You and Peter walked to lunch together in silence. Ned and MJ have been leaving you and Peter alone together here lately and you are only fearing the worse. They are trying to get you and Peter together. Great.

"So how about we finish the project at my house this weekend together?" you asked him breaking the silence. "Yeah sounds good!" you could tell he was distracted by something. And you were gonna get to the bottom of it.

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