Chapter 9

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Peters POV

"So wait you got bit by a Spider?" Ned asks as I just stay silent thinking about how bad I messed up with Ned finding out I was Spider-man. "Can it bite me? Well it probably would've hurt right? You know what whatever even if it did hurt I'd let it bite me....m-maybe.. How bad did it hurt?" Ned rambled. "The spiders dead Ned" I replied looking over to him when we both stopped when we saw the scene I fought at last night surrounded with caution tape. I didn't notice how bad the damage was until now and I felt guilty. We were so caught up in the sight we didn't hear Y/N walk up to us.

Your POV

You were walking to school when all of a sudden you spotted Peter and Ned staring at the scene that was blocked off by caution tape. You walked up to them and stood next to them as they gawked at the scene. "Woah..... You were here last night?" Ned asked as you snapped you head to him "Wait what?" you almost shouted looking at them in shock. Peter and Ned both jumped and looked over to you. "Oh my god Y/N you scared the shit out of me!" Peter exclaimed holding a hand over his chest. "What did Ned mean by you were here last night?" you asked worry written all over your face as you looked at Peter. "um I uh- I was walking down to Delmar's when I saw people robbing a bank and I turned around and decided not to go" Peter explained nervously. "Oh my god" you said letting out a sigh of relief. We all just stood there studying the shop when Ned asked a weird question to Ned. "Do you lay eggs?" Ned asked and you looked at him very confused as to where he thought to ask that. "What? Nooo" Peter chuckled looking over to him and you just shrugged it off.

Peters POV

I was sitting in class taking notes when Ned scoots his chair near me and starts asking more weird questions. "Can you spit venom?" "No" I muttered "Can you summon an army of Spiders?" I took a deep breath and said "No, Ned"

I went to history next and Ned started asking more questions! "How far can you shoot your webs?" I mean its not a bad question.... "I don't know shut up!" I said getting a little annoyed by all the questions. "If I was you I would stand off the top of a building and shoot it as far as I could" I looked at him and said a little louder this time "Ned shut up!" which made a girl in front of me turn around and send me and Ned a glare.

Then we had gym. M.J and Y/N sat off at the top corner and I sat a row beneath them a little bit more to the right with Ned. A Captain America video started to play and Ned leaned over to me. "Do you know him too?" he asked excitedly "Stole his sheild" I whispered back  and Ned had a surprised face "But then he beat me up" I said and Ned nodded not very surprised this time. 'Thank you Captain. I'm pretty sure this guy is a war criminal now but I have to show these videos its required by the state" our coach said then blew the whistle signaling for us to start sit ups.

"Do avengers have to pay taxes?" Ned asked while he was holding my feet down while I did sit ups. "Shh" I said not wanting anyone else to hear. "What does Hulk smell like? I bet he smells nice" "Shut up" I said a bit louder this time "Is Captain America cool? Or is he like a mean old grandpa?" I kinda wanted to laugh at that but I didn't. "Ned just sh ok?" I said tiredly. "hey can I be your guy in the chair?" he asked me smiling widely "What?" I asked "You know with the headset, telling the other guy where to go?" he explained and I just stared at him trying to process what he's going on about. Ned started to say something but I cut him off "Ned I don't need a guy in the chair". "Lookin' good Parker" my gym teacher complimented. I realized that I had been doing my sit ups with no problem so I had to make it look like I was struggling.

Your POV

You were sitting on the bleachers watching Peter and Ned whispering something to each other when you heard Liz and her friends start speaking. "You see for me it would be F Thor, Marry Iron Man, and Kill Hulk" Betty said looking over to Liz. "Well what about the Spider-man?" one of them asked "Its just Spider-man. Did you guys see that security cam on Youtube! He fought off 4 guys!" Liz exclaimed "Oh my god she's crushing on Spider-man" Betty said sitting up "Well kind of..." Liz admitted "Ugh gross" one of them muttered "He's probably like 30!" Betty replied "You don't even know what he looks like what if he's like seriously burned?" "I wouldn't care I would still love him for the person he is on the inside" Liz explained to them. All of a sudden Ned shouted "Peter knows Spider-man!" everyone shot there head over to Peter and Ned and Peter had a look of shock on his face. "Um no I uh- I'm I mean" Peter stammered as he got to his feet and walked closer to Liz and her group of friends "They're friends" Ned said "Yeah like coach Wilson and Captain America are friends" Flash snarkily replied walking closer to Ned and Peter. "I-I have met him a couple times" Peter stuttered while shrugging. "But its uh through the Stark Internship" he replied looking over to Flash. "Yeah well I'm not really supposed to talk about it!" he said turning back around to Ned. "Well thats awesome! Hey maybe you should invite him to Liz's party right?" he asked turning towards Liz "Yeah well i'm having people over tonight you're more than welcome to come" "You're having a party?" Peter asked softly "Yeah its gonna be dope you should totally invite your personal friend Spider-man!" Flash chuckled. "Um-" Peter started to choke up "Its okaay.. I know Peter is to busy for parties anyway" Liz said. You could tell she was trying to guilt trip him into coming "Oh come on you'll be there right Parker?" Flash said as he walked past Peter as the bell rung. And you walked over to M.J and headed out.

You were about to head into Liz's house with M.J when you noticed Peter's Aunt pull up with Peter and Ned inside. "Um I'm gonna wait out here for a bit" you said to M.J as she nodded and headed inside. You noticed Peter look over to you and you waved at him and he waved back and smiled. When he got out you walked up to him. "Hey guys!" you said smiling at him. "Hey" Peter and Ned said at the same time. "By the way nice hat Ned!" you complimented as you guys walked in.

The music was loud as you guys slowly walked in and took in your surroundings. "DJ Flash" you heard a voice say and you looked to your left and saw Flash with a headset on dancing to music "Wow" you muttered. "Right?" Ned said to you and Peter just kept silent. Ned started to whisper something to Peter and you gave a confused look until you heard a familiar voice "I can't believe you guys are at this lame party" M.J said as she took a piece of toast. "You're here too?" Ned questioned. "Am I" she questioned and walked off as you chuckled "Oh my gosh! Hey guys! Cool hat Ned" Liz said walking closer to you, Peter and Ned. "Hey Liz" Ned and you said and Peter slowly said "Hey Liz" shortly after you elbowed him cause he was being a little awkward. "I'm so happy you guys came! Ther's pizza and drinks help yourself" she said innocently. Peter was being awkward again so you nudged him again. "What a great party!" he managed to say as he looked over at you and Ned. "Thanks!" Liz replied smiling widely at Peter and his lips finally formed a smile. Then there was the sound of glass breaking and you turned your attention towards the sound. "Oh uh I- my parents will kill me if anything gets broken" she nodded "Yeah" Peter said nervously "Have fun" Liz said then walked away. "Dude you have got to get better at that" you said about to walk away when all of a sudden someone shouted "Penis Parker whats up!" and you three shot your attention towards the voice. "Hey wheres your pal Spider-man? Oh let me guess in Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?" he said then horn noises went off. "That's not Spider-man that's just Ned in a red shirt" Flash teased and you saw Peter tense up a bit. You laid your hand on his shoulder and looked at him sympathetically as he turned his attention towards you. "I got to go" he muttered then left you and Ned there alone.

Peters POV

"Hey whats up I'm Spider-man" I muttered to myself rehearsing what I was gonna say when I showed up to the party as Spider-man. "Just thought I would swing by and say hello to my buddy Peter!" "Oh whats up Ned where is Peter anyways? He must be arou- gosh this is stupid... what am I doing?" I asked myself as I sighed as I saw Ned and Y/N stand by the window together. Then I saw this blue light in the distance and went after it.

I was listening in to what they had to say when my ringtone started blaring. "Damn it! Always when I am trying to eavesdrop!" I muttered.

Your POV

"I'm sorry Ned. I don't know where Peter is but it'll be alright." you said to him as we watched outside. After a bit of waiting you decided to call Peter. No answer. You sighed and put your phone away and went back over to Ned. You waited a bit longer before calling Peter again. Luckily he answered. "Hey Y/N whats up I'm on my way back to the party" "Actually Peter I was calling to say maybe you shouldn't come back listen to this" you pointed your phone to Flash while he was shouting 'When I say Penis you say Parker! Penis! Parker!' and you brought the phone back to your ear. "Sorry Peter. I'll see you tomorrow..." you muttered then hung up. 

Peters POV

I was in shop class trying to get the purple glowy thingy out of the weapon think when Ned walked up behind me. ""hey thanks for bailing on me and Y/N last night" he said as he looked up at me. "Yeah well something came up!" I said motioning towards the weird weapon thing. "Woah what is that?" Ned asked amused at the thing. "I don't know... Some guy tried to vaporize me with it" I replied moving some wires out of the way. "Seriously?" Ned asked surprised "Yeah" I muttered taking a closer look at it. "Awesome!" he replied I looked up at him and gave him a face that said 'really?' "I mean not awesome! Totally uncool that guy so scary!" Ned corrected himself "Look I think its uh a power source" I said "Whoever is making these weapons is obviously combining alien tech with ours" I said to him after he explained that one of the items was something he used for charging his tooth brush. "That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has said and I just want to thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing journ-" he sheilded himself as I hit the weapon with my hammer hardly. I jumped and turned around to face my shop teacher. "Keep your fingers clear from the blades" he said not looking up from his book and I let out a sigh of relief. "I gotta figure out what this thing is and who makes it" I said looking back at the weapon. "We'll go to the lab after class and run some tests" Ned said starting our little hand shake as I did it studying the device.

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