Chapter 6

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"Looks like our friendly neighborhood Spider-man has got himself a new suit. Check out this video if your curious to see what it looks like..." the video of Spider-man in his new suit started playing and you were honestly impressed. It showed how muscular he actually was which made him even more intimidating than before.

You wanted to meet with Peter, Ned and M.J today to have some ice cream together so you texted them on a group chat.

You- Hey guys! Are y'all busy today? :)

Ned- Nope

M.J- No

You- Peter?

Ned- No use. I have been trying to get a hold of him all day.

You- Oh he will answer me. Cause if he don't I will become a worrying mess again and M.J will kill him ;)


Peter still didn't reply so you called him.

Peters POV

My phone started blaring my ringtone in the middle of me trying to look cool while some people were robbing a bank. "Damn it" I whispered whipping my phone out and answering not really checking who it was. "Hello?" "Peter what are you doing? Why aren't you answering anyone's texts?" I recognized the voice to be Y/N's. "Umm I'm really busy right now" I said while dodging the punches and kicks the people were throwing at me. "Peter whats that background noise? Are you ok?" she asked concerned. I hate making her worry. "Umm I'm watching a movie right now i'll have to call you back" "Peter I swear if you hang u----" "Bye!" I hang up and continued fighting them"

Your POV

Watching a movie or being in one. You honestly couldn't tell. It all sounded to real.

You- Peter is busy. I was able to get a hold of him but he didn't sound ok...

M.J- That's it. I'm killing him

Ned- What time are we meeting up?

M.J- I'm not going unless Y/N promises not to worry about Peter...

You- Hey! Ok fine I won't worry about him...

Peter- Don't make promises you can't keep Y/N

You- Peter! Why did you hang up on me?! Are you ok?!

Ned- I feel like I should leave this convo...

M.J- Same...

Peter- I'm sorry I was just really busy at the moment. And yes I'm ok. So what time we meeting up?

You- Good I'm glad you're ok. But if you EVER hang up on me again like that I will literally strangle you! Oh and lets meet up at Mr. Delmar's and walk from there at 6 sound good?

Peter- Yeah sounds good to me. Except for the first part.... Lbs

You- M.J, Ned? It's been five minutes is that good its the only time I can go.

M.J- Sorry I can't go at that time. Maybe next time..

Ned- Same. Looks like its just you and Peter.

Of course they would do this. Leave you and Peter alone together. Crap. Its like a date but.... Not a date? Anyway its safe to say that you are gonna kill Ned and M.J....

You- M.J I know you and Ned planned this!

M.J- What are you talking about? I'm innocent!

You- Sure you are.....

M.J- Have fun! But, not to much fun... ;)

You- M.J. No. Just. No. Me and Peter would nev- You know what nvm... I'm leaving this conversation before this gets weird...

You shook your head and put your phone away. "Already 4?!? Guess I'll go get ready" you walked off to your room and got ready. When you were done you walked out and sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram. After a bit of scrolling you decided to go ahead and head out.

"And just where do you think you are going little miss?" your mom said stopping you dead in your tracks. "Out for some ice cream with a friend..." you said not making eye contact with her. "Which friend?" she asked smirking. "P-Peter" you said quietly not wanting her to hear you. She knows about your crush on Peter so she would probably tease you about it. "Oooh a date with Mr. Parker now huh" she asked raising an eyebrow. "No mom. I was gonna go with Ned and M.J too but they bailed last minute" you groaned. "Ok suuuuuureee... Go have fun but no--" "Not to much fun. Yeah heard that one before. Bye mom!" you said slamming the door behind you and speed walking to Mr. Delmar's.

When you got there Peter was patiently waiting by a bench. He looked so adorable. Just the way the light would shine on his brown hair was just so.... Perfect! "Hey!" you said walking up to him "Oh hey! You ready for some ice cream" he said excitedly. "Oh yeah! I've waited all day for this moment!" you said laughing. "Same"

"So what kind do you want?" Peter asked eyes scanning the ice cream flavors carefully. "Ummmmm... I don't know! There's to many to choose from!" you groaned. Peter looked down at you and smiled. You kept looking when all of a sudden your face lit up with excitement. "I know what i'm getting now!" you said pointing at the (your favorite ice cream flavor) "Oh good choice but I'm going for the Mint Chocolate chip" he said licking his lips. God why was that so cute! "Ok" you walked up to the counter pulling out your wallet while someone stopped you. "No" Peter said putting your hand down. "What?" you said in confusion. "I'm paying! And there's nothing you can do about it!" he said paying the cashier. "Peter come on!" you whined. "I don't want to hear it! Plus what's done is done!" he shrugged grinning. "Fine" you said grabbing your ice cream cup (or cone whatever you prefer) and sitting down.

"Or that time when you and me ate 6 cupcakes each and you ended up throwing up and I just kept laughing!" Peter exclaimed bursting out in laughter "Peter come on! That was not funny! I was only 10!" you groaned throwing your head back. You and Peter had been discussing funny stories about you guys for the past 30 minutes and you were dying of laughter. "But it was!" he stated his laughter slowing down a bit. "Thanks for still coming even though Ned and M.J bailed" you chuckled "No problem. Your fun to hang out with. I can't even remember the last time I have laughed like that!" he laughed.

Peter had insisted on walking you home and  you were glad because every second with Peter is like living in heaven. "Well thanks for paying for my ice cream and walking me home." you chuckled stopping at your door and facing him. "Anytime. We need to do this again here soon." he smiled when all of a sudden there was a flash coming from your window and a muffled "Shit I didn't know flash was on" coming from inside your house. moms you thought to yourself. "Sorry about that. My mom thinks its a date" you chuckled nervously "Haha ok well I will see you at school on Monday then! Bye Y/N!" he said spinning on his heel and walking home.

You walked in and gave your mom an unimpressed look. "What?" she asked innocently "Really?" you asked "Oh come on you'll thank me one of these days!" she defended "Whatever!" you sighed walking to your room to get ready for bed.

"Thank you Peter for one of the best days of my life" you mumbled slowly drifting off to sleep.

Different is good. Right? (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now