Chapter Two-Festivities

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A knock on the door has me shooting straight up, promptly falling off the bed and onto the very hard stone floor. "Ouch," I grumble as I look around. Everything rushes back to me and I stand up immediately, turning towards the bed to change before whoever's at the door just walks in. It's strange, to say the least, seeing me looking like an elf. Sticking with the fall theme, the clothes they gave me are shades of bronze and tan.

Dark brown felt leaves cover the light brown robe that falls down to the middle of my shins and a bronze cape fans out behind me when I walk, pooling slightly on the floor when I'm still. Underneath is just a loose white shirt and loose cream pants that are tucked into my bronze boots. Neither of these are seen because of my robe, but I'm happy that they're comfortable.

My last thought is how long I can wear the underwear I have on before I have to explore the drawers in this room for a replacement. I have no clue what elven underwear looks like. A soft knock sounds on the door again and I open it, finding Legolas waiting patiently there for me. He gives me a once over, then smirks slightly.

"Not the worst I've seen." He allows and a chuckle slips from my lips.

"Don't flatter me too much." I shoot back and get a full smile for it. He gestures for me to follow him as he walks forward and down the beautifully carved hallways. I obey and walk by his side as he gives me advice.

"You might want to temper your quick tongue while in the presence of the elven court. In public always address me as Prince Legolas and my father as King, if you must acknowledge him at all. Always bow when he walks by. All other elves you shall address as Lord or Lady. Everyone here knows the tongue of men, therefore you may converse with whom you like freely." He explains quickly and I try to store the information in my brain before it falls out. We pause in front of more intricately carved doors and he faces me. "I will do my best to assist you in this, Dane. Do your best to remain by my side." He tells me and doesn't give me a chance to respond before knocking lightly on the doors. Instantly, they open and he walks through them. I scramble to follow him in what I hope is an at least slightly dignified walk, but boots have never really been my go-to shoe.

"Prince Legolas and guest; Dane Tyree." An elf to the side announces and it makes me puff up a little with pride. I'm shocked to say how badass I feel right now. Looking out on the courtyard and the view above causes my pride to flee. I've actually never felt smaller. The courtyard itself is covered in green grass and grey stone, as well as several places to sit and eat. Elves decorate each section, including a lovely band in the corner underneath a towering silver-leafed poplar tree. Trees of the same kind seem to corral the yard into a long oval with several tiers going off to the sides. When I look up through the many leaves I can see that evening has just started to descend and there are absolutely no words to describe the blending of blues, purples, reds, and pinks in the sky, except to say it would make Bob Ross cry. Suddenly I realize Legolas has started walking and I hurry to follow him down the few steps.

"Lego-Prince Legolas, what is all this for?" I ask quietly, doing my best not to step on his robe. He turns to me with a wistful smile on his face.

"This festival celebrates the changing of seasons from summer to autumn. It's all about rebirth and patience, as well as learning that the things we lose are never truly gone." His voice turns melancholy as he explains, but he seems determined to enjoy himself. Also, to apparently get me to learn something. His hand gently touches my shoulder as he points up to the already changing leaves swaying above us. "These leaves for example. Our trees will lose all of their leaves and to all who look merely upon the outside, they will seem dead. Only they are not dead, just waiting for the right time to once again sprout new leaves and blossom again." He explains and lifts his hand from my shoulder when meeting my eyes again. I hesitate slightly before responding.

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