Chapter Four-Travel

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I finish every bit of food on that table and a little less than a half a glass of wine before teetering up the stairs from whence we came. Unfortunately, I don't think I'd remember how I got here without a pleasant fuzziness in my mind. Looking around doesn't help any, but luckily someone already thought of my ineptness.

"Dane." Legolas's voice echoes through the hall as clear as a bell. I spy him as soon as he turns the corner, a drop of green in a sea of tan and gray. That signature smirk is on his face, reminding me bitterly of his father. "I'd heard my father retrieved you and thought I might be certain he hadn't convinced you to imbibe too much." Legolas excuses his searching, but I'm just thankful he's come along.

"Convincing wasn't necessary. Although I'd accept some guidance on the direction my room is in?" I ask irately, wishing I had a map of the place.

"Of course. Allow me to escort you." He holds a hand in front of him and starts walking slowly, for my benefit I'm sure. A few moments pass us in silence, but my mind is whirring.

"I'm sure you've heard I'll be leaving in the morning?" I question, but the shock that quickly passes over his face tells me otherwise.

"Truly?" He asks with a tinge of hope in his voice. My heart squeezes at the tone. Honestly, I'm not sure if Legolas even has friends before meeting Aragorn and Gimli. I've barely seen him talk to anyone but me in the short time I've been here. I nod, a slight guilty weight settling on my shoulders. "I see. Well, I hope your path is safe and the pack feels light." He bids me with a horribly fake smile.

"You could come. At least see it through, right?" I hand him an excuse and I smile a little when he takes it.

"If only to make sure you don't find more trouble, I'll come." He tells me and some of the sadness leaves his eyes. We reach my door just as he finishes speaking.

"Early tomorrow then, Legolas?" I ask and place a hand on the door.

"Just before the sun." He responds teasingly and we both nod to one another before I slip into my room to finally go to bed.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning comes too soon and brings with it a gentle knock at the door. Since my normal clothes mysteriously vanished, I've no choice but to put on the traditional elven clothes. I'm sure I'll get quite a few looks from people, but I am happy I'll get to keep something from here. Including two daggers tucked safely away in the billows of fabric. When I finally open the door, the awaiting guard looks slightly irritated. Shouldn't elves have more patience than this? He starts walking and I follow behind, figuring that's what I'm supposed to do. We arrive at the entrance and cross the thin bridge to the edge of the forest where I first found out where I truly was. Sighing, I look back at the towering columns, intricately carved doors, and vines covering the whole thing. It's a wonder I'll definitely miss. I turn back around and continue walking until reaching a small company of guards and Legolas, standing primly atop a low-hanging branch. The usual smirk stretched across his lips, he hops down and walks over to me.

"Seems only yesterday that I thought you a usurper, Dane. I am glad now to call you friend." He offers me his arm and I grasp his forearm firmly while he does the same.

"I'm happy to call you the same, Legolas," I repeat the sentiment and we nod at each other before letting go and starting the walk. "I'll miss this place," I comment while we tread the well-worn path. Legolas' eyes scan mine interestedly.

"Perhaps you will be able to revisit us in the future. With your family. I'd like to meet them." I nearly laugh at that, imagining what they'd say.

"Trust me, I'll tell them all about you," I assure him sincerely. A charming smile lights up his face and I already start to feel a little regret rise up in my throat at leaving. I don't regret choosing to leave, I just wish I had more time here. Meet Aragorn, Gandalf, maybe even Bilbo. But it's too risky. As incredible as this is, my family is even more amazing. Legolas stops and visibly straightens when we're only a couple of meters away from the place where I fell. I see why when a violet robed king steps around a nearby tree trunk.

"King and Prince out of the palace to see a commoner return to his world. How interesting." The King drolls, but there actually is a spark of interest in his cold eyes.

"We're friends." I combat, feeling more confident with home so near and Legolas by my side. Thranduil's eyes narrow at me and his lips part slightly in surprise.

"Which is why I will let your words go unpunished." He shoots back after regaining his composure. I sigh, but nod once in surrender. "Return if you like Dane. It has been some time since I've met one as...diverting as you." He compliments and insults me at the same time. My lips twitch and I bow towards him one last time, then step onto the little patch of grass that padded my fall last time. My vision blurs and it feels like I've been put in a washing machine, but suddenly I'm back in my front yard and staring at my house. Shockingly, this time I landed on my feet. I spend another second staring at it before looking down at my still outlandish clothes.

"They are never going to believe this." I murmur then run into my house, grinning like a fool.



Well, I hope you enjoyed this somewhat unorthodox ride!! LOTR and The Hobbit stuff is kind of outside my wheelhouse, but I hope the story was enjoyable anyway. Thank you so much for reading! Please leave whatever feedback you can.

Keep reading!! :)

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