Chapter Three-Training

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"King Thranduil," I speak and place a fist on my heart, bowing as Legolas did earlier.

"Come here." He requests softly and I obey hesitantly. I walk over and stop to his right, looking over the dark courtyard before once again looking at the king. His robe seems to be stitched together by starlight and spider's webs the way it gleams and shines. Gone is his crown of branches and fierce demeanor. Now, he simply seems quiet and reflective, but I refuse to underestimate the elven king. I'm wary. "I could hear the festivities from here, Lord Dane." He mocks the title Elundir gave me and looks to me with gleaming eyes, but I bite my tongue so as to not respond. He is the king, after all. His eyes return to looking outside, this time to the stars. "It seems my people have taken an uncommon shining to you, human. It is a rare thing that I do not take lightly. Especially the kinship you have so quickly cultivated with my son." He turns towards me with penetrating eyes and I resist the urge to look down from the challenge.

"Your son has good character, King Thranduil. I consider it an honor to know him." I try to explain the best I can. Thranduil doesn't move for a long while, making my palms sweat and heart palpitate.

"He is indeed a good son. I, however, have never been the greatest father. All the good I see in him is reminiscent of his mother." He informs me, his voice soothing and unemotional. The only thing that gives him away is the extra liquid in his eyes, dangerously close to slipping out. "He is certainly what she always wanted me to be. What she always thought I could be." He laments slightly. I'm at a complete loss at what to say, so we stand in silence for a few moments while I think.

"What was her name?" I ask timidly. I can't remember any mention of her name from the movies. Just barely I see the corner of his mouth turn up.

"Tinuviel. It means, 'daughter of the starry twilight'. Fitting, for dusk was always her favorite time of day." A slight amount of vulnerability slips into his voice, but when he turns to me all traces are gone. "Legolas' lessons start early, so I suggest you do your best to rest. I will be observing all your...attempts. It's rare I find such promising entertainment." He shoots me a condescending smile before swishing away and out the door. I scoff at his majesty's penchant for being a jerk and shake my head. I take off all the foreign clothes and take the time to actually get into the bed this time, groaning when I realize the sheets feel like butter. I'm asleep in an instant.

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"You must hold the weapon up, Dane. Up!" Legolas scolds me with a large grin on his face. I look at him with eyes full of irritation and exhaustion. We haven't even been doing this for an hour and my arms feel like jelly. As I was told, I got up early and changed into the short green tunic, pants, vest, and vambraces set out for me. Legolas got there and instantly redid the ties on my vambraces, then led me to the courtyard and put a sword in my hands. I am not skilled with a sword, as we quickly discovered. The first thing Legolas corrected was the way I held it, then my stance, then how I swung, now everything all at once.

I guess I should be glad I've improved at all, but all I feel like is screaming at the top my lungs. Giving up has also crossed my mind, but I can't do that with Legolas Greenleaf trying to teach me. So, I resist. Thranduil is watching from a high balcony, grinning like a fox as he watches me 'train'.  "Stop," Legolas commands firmly and my jelly arms instantly comply, although I manage to slip it into the sheath on my hip instead of just dropping it. Legolas pats my shoulder with an amused smile on his lips. "Would you care for refreshment?" He asks, completely within his strength to keep going.

"Yes." I struggle to say and follow him to a small pool that constantly has water flowing into it. He picks up two glass cups sitting on the side and fills them both with the clear water, then hands one to me. I down it instantly and refill it three times before stopping. Finally, I feel like I can breathe again. Legolas guides me to a small bench and sits gracefully down while I plop on the bench like a raindrop. I feel Legolas's eyes on me as I lean back with my eyes closed. "There's no combat training for me where I live." I try to defend myself a little, glancing over at his little smirk.

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