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My breathing gets hard and my body starts to shake again as I keep my head in Tony's lap.
"Y/N? Hey hey kid. Are you okay?" I hear Tony ask. I couldn't respond as the empty feeling in my chest also returnes.
"Friday scan Y/N." He says with worry in his voice.
"She seems to be having a pushed panic attack. She's been trying to hold it off." The AI says.
"Y/N, don't hold it off. If you hold it off it will get worse. Just breath." Tony said to me with a soft voice. My mask was down and Tony lifted my head to look at him.
"Listen to me. Take a deep breath in and out. In 5 out 5. Can you do that?" He directed me though. I nod my head and eventually I calm down. I put my head back in Tony's lap in exhaustion.

We all the gather up and everyone a bit beaten up.
I went to stand but Tony guides me back to sit down.
"You need to calm down a little more." He says with concern in his eyes. I nod and stay sitting on a hunk of metal.
"Something is happening." I turn to hear the antenna girl say.
She then turns to dust. My eyes widen and everyone is looking at each other.
Another dude starts to dust away.
"Quill?" He says before he disappears. Tony then walks up to Quill with caution.
"Steady Quill." He says.
"Aww man." Quill says before he disappears into dust as well. My chest started to feel heavy again.
"Tony, there was no other way." Strange says as he then turns to dust.
"Mr. Stark?" I hear. I turn and see Peter. "I don't feel so good."
"P-Peter." I say as I slowly get up.
"Your alright." Tony says.
"I don't know what's happening. I don't know-" Peter then crashed into Tony.
"I don't want to go." Peter says.
"Petey?" I say with tears in my eyes. He doesn't hear me.
"I don't want to go, sir, please." He continued to beg. Tears flowed down my cheeks. Tony carefully lowers Peter down onto his back and I run over and sit next to Peter. I put my hand on his cheek and he looked between Tony and I.
"I'm sorry." He then turns to dust and my hand hits the ground.
My breathing hitches and I can only stare at the spot that Peter was once at. I then look at Tony and see him looking at his hands. I could tell that he was waiting to turn to dust too. To be honest, I hoped the same thing.

I realized that we weren't going to that day though. I make my way over to Tony and pull him into a tight hug. He hugs back tightly and kisses the top of my hair. We both stay in each others embrace and close our eyes tight, not ready to accept the truth.
"He did it."

The Spidey Twins 2: The Lost OneWhere stories live. Discover now