Putting Stuff Back To Rights ✔️

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Bruce, Cap, Tony, Sam, Bucky and I all meet up.
Bruce had the case with the stones.
"Remember you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them or your gonna open up a bunch of alternative realities." Bruce says.
"Don't worry Bruce. Clip all the branches." Cap says.
"Hey Cap." Bruce says.
"Bring her back please. I really miss her." Bruce says
"We all do." Cap says as he then gets escorted to platform by Sam as they talk.

I turn to Tony.
"God I hope this works." I say as I nervously start tapping.
"Don't worry. It will be okay." He reassures.

Cap then steps onto the platform with the case and makes his time travel suit appear.
"Go get em Cap." I yell. He turns back and smiles before focusing again.

"How long is this going to take?" Sam asks.
"For him as long as he needs, for us five seconds." Bruce says.
"You ready Cap?" He nods. "Alright we'll meet you back here, Okay?" Bruce says.
"You bet." Cap says. He then puts on his helmet.
"Going quantum in three, two, one." Bruce says. Cap then disappear from the platform. "And returning in five, four." I grab ahold of Tony's hand. "Three, two, one." I take in a sharp breath and then see someone appear on the platform.
Their helmet goes down to reveal Natasha. She gives a small smile.
"I guess I was a little longer than a minute." She says. I give a small laugh and helped her off the platform.
"Where's Cap?" Sam asks. Natasha doesn't answer him put only looks off to the side.
"Tell me!" Sam says.
"Sam." Bucky says, getting our attention.
We all then see the back side of a man on a bench that wasn't there before. We then go and gather around the old man.
"Hi, Sam."
"So did something go wrong or did something go right?" Sam asks.
"Well after I put the stones back and got Natasha I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life that Tony was telling me to get." The man said as he looks at Tony. Tony smiles sheepishly.
Sam then looks at us and signals that he wants some time with the man.

Tony and I turn around and start to walk back.
"You know what I'm thinking?" Tony asks as he turns to me.
"I may have a spider sense but that doesn't mean I can read minds too." I say as I look at him.
"Cheese burgers. That's what I was thinking. I mean, we just saved the universe. We deserve some treat." He says. I laugh a little.
"I'm down for cheese burgers. Let me go say goodbye to Peter. You also better pick up one for Miss. Morgan or she'll disintegrate you." I say as I point to him. We smile and laugh.

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