Coming Together

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For a semi-peaceful moment, everyone was silent; all students' gazes transfixed on the shinning blade Adam had drawn on them.

Then, the room erupted into noise.

"Adam!" Keith drew Kosmo deeper into his arms, "What the actual fuck?"

Lance simply gaped at the blade, eyes wide and dumbstruck, and continued to wonder what random chain of events could've possibly led him to this point in his life.

Hunk had initially bristled at the revealing of the blade, and, unfreezing at Keith's remark, added a panicked, "WhAT?!"

Pidge stared at the blade with continued indifference, eyes widening as her thoughts started to catch up after her shock. Drawing her curious eyes away from the blade, she stepped forward, meeting Adam's surprised look to ask, "So, you can see it?"

Adam walked out from behind his desk now, the cadets' questioning voices all melding into one another.

He lowered his blade slightly, looking at Keith imploringly. His expression barely masked his concern and utter confusion.

"Keith," Adam spoke much more sternly than the first time, "Put it down."

"So what?!" A sudden wave of righteous anger flooded him, "You can kill him?"

"You named it?" Adam's pronunciations were better than normal, not that Keith had the capacity to acknowledge that now, "Zeus - we're fucked."

"What do you mean 'we're fucked'? Adam, please, you aren't making any sense." Keith pleaded, trying to stay calm, please let Kosmo know that I'll protect him, "If you explain things we can sort this all out."

Adam paused contemplatively, a sign Keith knew meant that the man was mulling over the most effective way to explain what was going on.

The silence was beginning to stress him out a little, causing Keith to add a helpful, "Look, I don't know why you think he will, but Kosmo is really nice, he would never hurt any of us. And he's had plenty of chances to."

"Even if this one likes you, the other ones wont be as nice."

"Spouting cryptic bs isn't helping us get anywhere, Adam." Keith nervously eyed his friends, who seemed to be lost in trying to track the conversation, "Please, work with me here?!"

It was at this very opportune moment that Shiro decided to enter, in the midst of saying something to Iverson, which by the sounds of things was going a lot better than the cadets had managed.

His eyes were clearly tired, concerningly so; but his face was patient, ready to hear more about the trouble the squad had gotten into.

When he laid his eyes on the scene before him, that was all washed away, instead slightly gaping in a look of utter confusion and panic.

Iverson soon filed in through the doorway behind him, allowing Adam enough time to stash his blade out of sight. Not that he really needed to anyway, it wasn't like he'd be able to see it clearly through the mist, maybe not at all, like Kosmo. They probably had Allura's numerous charms to thank for that.

Shiro took a long, almost disbelieving glance at Kosmo. Then another, more questioning glance at Adam.

Said teacher was not amused, and somehow now looked as tired as his boyfriend, giving a resigning sigh and shrugging his shoulders.

Pidge took the chance to nudge Keith, whispering, "So.... Did you win that or....?"

"I honestly have no idea."

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