Chapter 9: To the Library

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Nika and aiger walked into the school and walked to the elevator. They went up to the forth floor and into the floor 4 library. "Excuse me, but do you know where we can find books about class A monsters?", nika asked the librarian. Hmmmm, oh yes, you can find those books on shelf 1-18, the librarian told her. Nika thanked the librarian, and then she and aiger went to that shelf. They scanned the entire shelf, but aiger found a book called "Class A Monsters From A to Z". Could this be helpful, aiger asked nika curiously. This is exactly what we're looking for, nika exclaimed, but then someone shushed her. After that, they went to a nearby desk and started flipping through pages in till they got to O. It was until they got to the second page of O, when they found, oni. Okay, it says here that all oni possess extreme strength, shape-shifting, regeneration, and they're accomplished sorcerers, nika read out loud. Huh, it even says they spread disease, bring disaster, and can punish something called, the damned. So my kind are really that bad, nika said sadly. But it also says here that some oni are good and seen as protectors and bring good fortune in Japanese mythology, aiger pointed out. "Oh, really?", nika asked in joy. Yeah really, and I know your one of them, because you brought good fortune to me, aiger assured her in a sweet voice. Nika blushed and smiled, ah, don't flatter me, she responded. But it's true, aiger protested. But anyway, it just meams you could have super strength. But wouldn't I already been born strong?, nika asked in realization. Good point, aiger said in embarrassment. So you didn't get that part of the oni. And wherever I go, there aren't any disasters, and no serious diseases, nika informed him. Maybe it comes with the "being a good oni", part, aiger joked. Don't joke like that, nika scolded at him. Then someone else shushed her. Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, aiger apologized. It's fine, but back to the matter at hand, nika said getting back on track. Maybe you've got magic, but haven't unlocked it, aiger theorized. That actually could be a possibility, nika said in agreement. Maybe you should asked our dark arts teacher to help you with that, aiger suggested. Good idea, nika agreed. So the two of them went to see their dark arts teacher to help with Nika's magical problem.

To be continued.......................

The damned are the souls of wicked people.

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