Chapter 14: Camping Out

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After a while of flying, everyone was getting bored. Are we there yet, aiger moaned like a child. Not yet, arlo told him. We're about to arrive in america though. Wait, did you say america!, nika and aiger shouted together. Yes I did, arlo answered. Is there a problem?, he questioned them. We came from Japan, and we're going to america, aiger shouted. We just traveled half way around the world for who knows how long, nika shouted. It's only been fifteen minutes, so stop complaining, arlo told them. We'll be there in five more minutes, arlo informed them, be patient. About five minutes later, arlo commanded his horses to descend. Which startled nika and aiger a little. As they got closer to the ground the saw a forest that was next to a large mountain, and was next to the ocean. Hang on, we're about to land, arlo warned them. As aiger and nika held on, arlo directed his horses to a clearing in the forest. As soon as they slowed down, they landed without a bump. We're here, arlo announced. The moment they got off the chariot, the horses flew off. Hey, where are they going?, aiger questioned while shouting. They're going back to my dad, arlo answered. They are his horses, and that is his chariot. Don't worry, he lets me use them from time to time. I'll call them back later, he assured them. Anyway, my cousins workshop isn't far. It's about a day of walking, and there's a waterfall about five minutes of walking in the same direction. A day, why didn't you just fly us there?, aiger shouted. Cuz I want and like to hike. Fine, aiger said annoyed. We should get going, it's about to get dark, he told them. Agreed, if we hurry, we can make it to the waterfall and set up camp, nika calculated. Lets get going, I know the way, so follow me, arlo said. Alright, nika and aiger said together. As they walked through the forest, they heard rushing water. The waterfall should be just ahead, arlo informed them. They walked for another minute and arrived. Lets set up camp next to waterfall, aiger suggested. Okay, but not to close, arlo warned him. Some of the rocks near the edge are unstable, and some are slippery. I'll make sure to be careful, aiger assured him. Hold on, where are we going to sleep, we didn't bring tents, aiger exclaimed. This made nika worry. Don't worry, I brought some, arlo assured them. He reached into his sack and pulled out one tent, then two, then three. This made nika and aiger look in shock. How did you do that, aiger said dumbfounded. My sack isn't ordinary, it's a magical item, arlo explained. It can store up to anything I might need, and when I do need something, it brings it to the surface. After ten minutes of preparation, they set up a camp. It would be great if we had a fire, nika said. Are you afraid of the dark, aiger asked worried. No, it's just that I can't see because it's dark, and I'm kinda cold, nika said embarrassed and shivering. Don't worry, I've got that covered, arlo assured her. He gathered some wood and stones to make a fire circle. He pointed his finger at it, and shot a heat lazer, setting the wood on fire. Aiger and nika looked in shock. I did say I was son of ares, I have his powers, and that one of those powers is energy projection, arlo explained. I can shoot out any form of energy, as long as it's powerful. Oh, I remember now, and I remember that we're monsters, aiger said. Only in blood, not in mind, arlo added. And we're not all, exactly monsters, nika pointed out. Good point, arlo told her. Moments of silence passed. So what do we do now, nika asked. Dunno, but good question, aiger said. We could tell stories, arlo suggested. Good idea arlo, aiger said.

To be continued................................

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