Chapter 18: Reunion

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After three minutes of floating on arlo's floating weapons, they finally arrive at arlo's cousin's house. As soon as they were at the front door, they got off the floating weapons. They went up to the door and knocked a few times. A few seconds later, someone answered. And it was a guy whose name is leo. Who are you people, leo asked in question. Hey leo, these guys are with me, arlo explained. Oh just you, leo said in a disturbed tone. It's just arlo, he called out. Hey leo, arlo said. Come in, we were just having dinner, he told them. Would you like to join us? Thanks, but I'm not hungry, arlo told him. But I am, aiger said butting in. Same here, nika said. Oh, but of course, anything for lady, Leo said in a flirty voice. It caused nika to blush a little. Oh thank you, she said in a sweet voice. As they went in, aiger looking at Leo, with a look of jealousy. Arlo noticed and was about to tease him, but he decided to do it later. The Hephaestus kids were having steak, rice, and salad. Sit down, make yourselves at home, he told them. They did as they were told and got stared at. We'll introduce ourselves, one of them said. I'm Amy, the first said. I'm Tylor, the second said. Sophie here, the third one said. Name's Nick, the fourth said. My name is Jasmine, the fifht said. James, the sixth said. And I am Jerry, the seventh one said. You already know me as leo, leo said. So arlo, who are they?, sophie asked. Oh you know that school I go to, arlo said. Yeah, she said. Well, I didn't go there at will, Zeus sent me there on a mission. What really, they all said together. What kind of mission?, Jerry asked in interest. The school was ment for monsters, so he wants me to keep an eye on them so none of them go wild, he explained. He knows that the monsters there are kids, so he's letting them live normaly. So he assembled the gods to inform their children not to hurt them, unless they go wild. If it's by Zeus himself, it must be important, amy thought outloud. Wait, are you saying that those guys are monsters, Jasmine exclaimed. Yeah, but they're nice people, so don't you dare hurt them, under the law of Zeus, arlo said raising his voice, while standind up, giving them a death stare an off a large amount of murderous intent. This gave a fright to everyone, even nika and aiger. If that's true, why hasn't dad told us, nick said. Well, dad did say he was gonna tell us something important as soon as he got back from work tonight, it must be about this, tylor said. We better not hurt them, unless dad says so. Arlo took a deep breath, calmed down, and sat back down. Anyway, why don't you tell us more about yourselves, Leo suggested. Sure, why not, aiger and nika said.

To be continued.............................

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