Chapter 47

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"Well what is it?!" Austin asked anxiously.

"Ok, ok. Calm your tits bruh," Camila said with a smirk. Austin groaned, "Come on Mila, just tell me."

"Ok, ok. So we go to the dance with our dates, and in between songs we request songs that our entire group likes and then a couple of slow songs that "belong" to Masi and Mani," Camila said definitely knowing that they were broken up.

"What do you mean belonged?" He asked.

"Like... You know how most couples have a song that's their song?" She started.


"Well that's what I mean. Alex and Normani had several songs that were theirs," she explained.

"Well ok than. Sounds like a plan. Especially for our group since we all love music. But what do we do until then?" He asked.

"We prepare..." Camila said with a smile.

A/N- I know, I know. It's a sucky plan, but it'll have to do. I may change it later if I think of something better

Over the course of a week Austin and Camila prepared. They got their outfits for the dance and helped their friends get outfits that matched their colors. Austin and Camila wanted the entire group to matching, because if, no , they did succeed in getting their friends to be friends again, they wanted it to be obvious. Everyone in the room would see the group of 7 in color coordinated outfits and know that they were once again friends, assuming all goes well. (The colors are: lime green, black, sky blue, and white) So Austin convinced Alex to get a lime green shirt and sky blue tie while Siope got a white shirt and a black tie and Austin himself got a black shirt and lime green tie. Now Camila, well she had more work to do. She had to get her outfit, which was a silk, knee length, black skater girl dress with silk sky blue trim, black flats with bows on them, and a sky blue headband with a sky blue bow on it.(If you're confused its kind of like what the cast of Glee wore at their first succesful regionals except for instead of blue its lime green and baby blue) But in addition she also had to go with Normani at one time and convince her to get her out fit, which was basically  the opposite of Camila's, a knee length, silk, white dress with a lime green trim and lime green heels, with a white headband-no bow. Then she had to go with Dinah and Lauren, separate from Normani because well you know, the day before the dance to get their outfits. So Camila went with them because they were still friends and she thought it'd be easier...


They wanted to get all these others dresses that were not the right color. She didn't care about the style, but the colors had to match.

"Awww come on Camz! Why can't I get this purple dress?! It looks extra hella fly!" Dinah whined.

"Yeah, and why can't I get this red one. It's so... muah," Lauren admired.

"Those just aren't your colors guys. I mean its ultimately up to you. They're your dresses and you're buying them, but don't blame me when you and your dresses are the talk of the school... and not in a good way. The two girls sighed.

"Fine. Then what do you suggest?" Lauren asked. "Both of you just go to the dressing rooms and I'll give you guys a dress to try on," she offered.

"Ok," Lauren and Dinah said as they went to the dressing rooms.

Camila purposely chose out a couple of ugly dresses and gave them to Lauren and Dinah. Each time they tried it on the came out with disgusted looks on their faces, and Camila would just laugh, "Ok, ok, I guess that's just not your stlye."

"Ya think?!" Dinah  and said as her and Lauren went back into the dressing rooms.

"Ok, ok. I'll go get better dresses," Camila said as she went to the 2 dresses she had had her eyes on the entire time.

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