The days of remembering

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Hey guys! I sorted out my personal issues... Kinda... Here's an update! I'm so glad two more people fanned me! You two really made my day! Also vote on my book and my poem and comment! I would really appreciate it! Luv u guys!


Copyrighted 2012

All rights reserved

-Ashlyn's POV-

I was still in darkness. I couldn't see my hands and I couldn't see anything, but black darkness. I wept softly. When was I going to come out of this darkness? Then suddenly a light turned on. It was like I was a ghost. I saw the memory playing before my eyes.

A little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was holding the hand of his mother. A little girl with black hair and brown eyes was also holding hands with her mother. I couldn't see there faces, but I could guess who they where. The mothers were talking with each other. The boy and girl looked at each other for some time as their mothers were talking.

The little boy finally came out from behind his mother and walked up to where the little girl was. "Hi! My name is Casper." The little boy said. He could tell this girl was shy. It was written clearly on his face. It was gentle and sweet. He took the little girls hand and whispered something in here ear. She smiled and giggled. I knew what he said. I smiled thinking of him. Then suddenly it went black again.

Another video came up. Actually I wouldn't call it a video, but it was like I was there watching Casper and I. The scene was my favorite memory of all. It was raining and my grandma died. I was thirteen at the time. I was in class and people were whispering. Casper was the only one who knew what happened. A blonde girl who sat behind me whispered. "Why the sad face Ashlyn? You found out why no one likes you?" Normally I would just ignore her, but I was so vulnerable. I ran out of the class room in the middle of my teachers sentence. Casper didn't hesitate and ran after me. I was crying. Casper came up to me wrapping his arms around me and whispered comferting things in my ear.

My world went black again and I thought about that day. The blonde girl ended up getting threes months of dentention and Casper's got a pat on the back and me I got counseling. That was the moment I started really likening him. The butterflies in my stomach and sweaty hands didn't go unnoticed. My friends told me to ask him out or to "hang out" with him, but I never did. I was scared that he might push me away. I never wanted that. I would rather be just friends then ruin our friendship.... He ment a lot to me....

The blackness was still there, but I felt somewhat comfortable. I relized that I was comfortable with not knowing where I was. It annoyed me that I didn't know. The last thing I remember was Derrick saying that he cheated on me and me running somewhere. I didn't know where because at the time my vision was blurry and that's it. I don't remember why I'm in this darkness.

Then MY mind makes remember something. The day he told me he loved me. The day he confessed his feelings to me and I told him it was to late. That he was to late. That I was in love with Derrick, but now I'm only heart broken and I want to see his face. I want to see Casper.

The thousand peices of my heart *DONE AND NOT GOING TO FINISH*Where stories live. Discover now