Holding on

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Hey people! Hmmm..... I want to give you guys a nickname.... Snowflakes??? No... Well, message or comment me on what you think you guys nickname should be!

Anyways on a new topic...:) I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED READS!!!! EKKKKKK! Okay thats a huge accomplishment for me. Its so huge! When I found put me and my sis where dancing and we had a mini party! It's been some time since I've updated. I just want you to know that I've been really busy and that the updates will take a little longer then usual. I have a lot of things on my plate. And I've kinda been lazy because I need a break sometimes......

Also you can message me and you can give me ideas on what you think should happen next and I'd be glad to hear them. I would really love it. I've only gotten one comment on my story....... 😰 So make my day and tell me what you think!

Also vote for me and fan me! :) I'd appreciate it. Comment on my story to tell me what you think! :)


Copyright 2012

All rights reserved

LUV you all! I LUV all my fans and readers!!! Give me a shout out and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you! 😄

Also I LUV black butler! Comment if you do to. I like to watch it on Netflix..... 😄

Stay beautiful (or if your a guy handsome)




Dreams of Ashlyn came to mind. Fear crept in to my mind. Was she okay? Where was she? My eyes flicked open. Beep. Beep. Beep. This time my mom was in the room and so was my step dad and sister. "Casper! Doctor! He's awake! Casper!" My mother yelled. The doctor came in. I looked over and I didn't see Eli.

"Where's Eli?"

"Eli....... Honey......"

-Back to reality-

"Eli....... Honey......" My mother chocked out. She seemed nervous an my dad place his hand on her back. My sister was silent and her eyes were locked to the ground an was unmoving.

"WHERE'S ELI!" I screamed. My voice was now raw from screaming. It was a little painful, but I was worried sick and was hyperventilating. Panic spread though out me. Where was my best friend? Was he moved to a diffrent hospital? Did he get better sooner then I did? Was he okay? Was he at home? did he go home? Was something utterly wrong? Then it hit me like a bullet.

The last posibility was that Eli was dead. "He's not...." I chocked out. My voice seemed like it was lost. Tears beginning to form in my eyes. My vision was blurry and I was trying to hold my tears in and choke them down. I swallowed hard and a lump was in my throat.

"The funeral is in a few days." My mother said. Her voice cracked. Tears began silently coming out of her eyes. She walked out of the room along with the rest of the family. Tears poured out of my eyes and I felt my eyes drop and everything went black. Eli was gone.. Gone forever. And it was my fault.

-Ashlyns POV-

I opened my eyes. I was in the same bedroom as I was delivered in yesterday. My head ached. I put my fingers to my head and I felt something sticky. When I pulled away, it was my blood. I pulled the covers off of me. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin. I shivered violently. Goose bumps formed on my skin. I got up and my bare foot hit the cold hard wood floor.

I walked over to the mirror in the bathroom. I looked at my face. Bruised, black, blue, bloddy and my black hair was covered with blood and a cut on my scalp was clearly visable. Derrick was ruthless. He said he wouldnt hurt me? Did he say that? I didn't know anymore. I was sad and depressed. Scared was not even the word to describe how terrible I felt. A loud knock snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality. HE was here. I felt myself tremmble in fear. I held myself back from tremmbling as he came into the room.

I didn't speak to him or look him in the eyes. "Look at me." He demands. I whimper and I look him in the eyes. Their scary and I want to look away. He looks at my bruised face.

"W-w-what do you want?" I say. His eyes turn to anger and he slaps me. I fall on the ground. I hit it hard and I cry out in pain. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Look me in the eyes!" He roars. I look him in the eyes. The eyes I always thought were so beautiful, now they were like black holes. I got sucked into them and I wanted out. He smiled devilishly. I wanted out. I looked away. I wanted out of this hell hole. His breath felt sickly hot in my face and I shut my eyes tightly wishing I was home, wishing I was with my family.

I scrambled up and plopped myself on the bed. He huffed and walked out. How could Derrick do this to me? Then my mind thought of Andrew. Andrew.... Andrew.... He was my older brother. At least he was. He died after a year if his birth. Cancer. Cancer was the problem. He was born with cancer. I never thought a baby would get cancer.

I remember every November tenth, my parents would cry and they would speak a word about him. My brother, Evan told me when I was thirteen. I remember crying and being depressed for days. Days would go by and I would cry about my list baby brother.

I looked out the window and cried. Derrick heard my sobs. He came in and he looked angry. "Andrew...." I whispered so softly so he couldn't hear. I wished he was alive. I wish I could if met him.

Days later

-Casper's POV-

I didn't eat. I didn't sleep. I didn't know what to do. Eli was gone and I couldn't do anything about it. Mom said that Ashlyn was not found yet and that news ripped me apart. I needed to know where he was. That bastard was going to die. I really didn't know what to do. I switched on the news and her face appeared.

"Local girl is missing. Her name is Ashlyn Cole. If you see her please contact this number." A man on the news said. I felt hot years coming to my eyes. I switched it off and fell back onto the covers on the hospital bed.

-strangers POV-

I saw a boy. A boy who had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was watching TV and got upset. I looked at him when I walked by with mommy. I wonder why he's upset. Mommy said it wasn't nice to stare, but I did anyways. That boy reminded of my brother... Tanner... But mommy said Tanner was up in the sky. I miss tanner... He never came home........

A couple days later

-Casper's POV-

The music was a dull scream. Eli's casket was nailed shut and his picture was it. I heard it stop finally and everyone got up. They filled out slowly, but I didn't move. I didn't move a single inch. Everyone was gone. Everyone left. I walked up to where he laid.

I kneeled down. "Eli, this is my fault. This is all my fault. This should be me not you."

"It should" a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Derrick and Ashlyn. She looked horrible. Her skin looked thin and pale. Her eyes were not brown, but a dull black.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled.

"Hey! Keep your voice down and both of you won't get hurt." Derrick said.

"Derrick, please you need help. You need to turn yourself in." I said. He sighed.

"I don't want to do this anymore, Casper...." He said hacking his head.

"Then you can stop." I said easily.

"It's not that easy" Derrick said shaking his head.

He dropped his grip from Ashlyn and pulled out a gun.

"Derrick no-" I said worriedly.

He aimed at Ashlyn and shot her. Then himself.


Yeah I know... Short huh? Well.... I'll update soon and stuff...


-PS my updated are going to get shorter, sometimes I'll barley update a page...

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