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Hey guys! This is such a short chapter, but I just wanted to uplode something.... Also guess what? I'm sick. Ugh, I hate being sick. You have to blow your nose five million times and you feel icky. Ugh... Anyways here it is!


Copyright 2012

All rights reserved


Two month later

-Casper's POV-

Months went by like years. Weeks like months. Days likes weeks. Hours like days. Minutes like hours. Tick. Tick. Tick. I was like a zombie, no emotions and not caring. She still hasn't waken up. Her expression is blank and It's been hard looking at her expressionless face and not seeing her beautiful eyes. It was so hard not to cry. I didn't want Eli to feel worse. I needed her to wake up. Eli had it bad enough, he cried till his eyes were bloodshot and red and he blamed himself and only himself. He didn't blame Derrick, which pissed me off for no apparent reason. I hated Derrick.

I wanted to touch her warm hand and feel her warm breath on me cheeck. I wanted her. I love her and if she dies, I do to.

-Stanger's POV-

I see a blonde haired boy pacing as I stare. His emotions are mixed and he seems flustered. His friend came in one day because of a acident. Some idiot ran her over. I know the boy who the blonde boy blames. I believe his name is Derrick. I've seen him aroung schhol. Since my Dad is a doctor I get filled in with people my age. I hear his phone ring and he takes it out of his pocket and goes out of the building. I wonder whos calling him. I've always had a courious mind.

Then I hear a girl. "Casper... Where are you?" The girl says from her room. Her voice is like gravel. She sounds like she needs water.  I walk slowly into the room. There is a girl with black hair in the room. Shes very pretty aside from her shadows under her eyes. The sign says Coma. She is the girl that boy is worried about. she cries out. "CASPER!" I rush out of the room and get a my dad.

"Uh, Dad. You know the girl in the coma? Yeah she's awake." I say quickly and loudly. My Dad makes a dash out of his office and into the room. He shuts the door and I hear muffled talking. Something about this Casper boy. The blonde haired boy comes in shaking his head. I want to walk up to him and say "She's awake", but I don't. He'll figure it out anyways. I'm sure.

-Casper's POV- 

My phone rings and I sigh and walk out of the building. "Hello?" I say into the phone. The number was blocked.  

"Casper it's Derrick..." Derrick says. I want to throw my phone at the wall. He has the nerve to call me?! That's just bullshit!  

"What do you want asshole!" I yell into the phone. 

"Casper please let me-" 

"No! You put my best friend in a coma for a little over two months and you expect me to listen!" I scream.  

"Casper... I..." He starts to say. 

"I don't need your crap. Have a nice life." I say into the phone. I end the call and walk back in the hospital. There's a boy with brown hair that's staring at me. He looks like he wants to say something, but doesn't as he starts walking off. Then I hear her.

"CASPER! WHERE'S CASPER!" Ashlyn scream. 

"Please Ms.Cole, hold still." The doctor says. I walk into the room. "good finally, your here." He says as he sees me. "Can you calm her down? I'll be in the north wing, in my offices. Come get me when you calm her down." He says as he walks put. 

I sit on the edge on the bed. She looks at me with those brown eyes. I give her a smile. "Your okay." I say relic clear on my face. 

"I remember Casper. I remember that day when you went out in the pouring rain to get me. The day you told me you loved me, but you were too late and....." She said. I gasped in a breath. She remembered all those things? 

"I'll never stop loving you." I said. 

"I'll never stop wishing you were mine." She responds. We are about to kiss, but Eli comes in. 

"Thank God your okay!" He says as he gives her a hug. He beams with happiness.  

"I'll get the doctor." I say as I get up. I wander to the north wing. She said would never stop wishing I was hers. Was that her talking? Or the medication? I didn't know I was just glad she was okay.


It was short yes, but I hope you like it.


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