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  • Dedicated to Sarah V

Hey guys! Vas happening?! (Yes, I have One Direction infection) I'm doing better. Like WAY better. I'm so happy! By the way this chapter is going to be longer. I promise! I'm so happy because.... There's this boy..... :P Don't think I should tell you guys that though.... :)

Anyways I'm having a weekend of busy stuff, but I wrote this for all my readers. :) I hope I make you feel special.... :P

Anyways if you like One Direction message me about them. I really can talk a lot about them. I mean their so AMAZING!!! :)

So comment on the story and tell me what you think.

I would really appreciate I you voted on my story too.

All rights reserved

Copyright 2012


Oh and the boy is Eli. Well the on eI imagine as Eli.

Oh and also I LOVE "Little things" by One direction!


-Ashlyn's POV-

Did he really just say that? Did he really say "You almost made my heart shatter into a thousand pieces"? Wow this must be another crazy dream. I pinched myself. Ow, nope defiantly not a dream. I looked up into his eyes. They looked like the ocean. Our moment, this was going to be our moment. Staring into each others eyes.... How romantic...

Then our "moment" was shattered as Derrick and Eli came into the room. Eli looked unhappy for a reason I was yet to find out and Derrick also looked unhappy and unappeased. There was an awkward silence and then Derrick crossed the room and whispered something into Casper's eyes. Casper's eyes widened and Derrick and Casper left the room.

Eli was still here. Now his face read saddens. "I'm so sorry" was what he started our long conversation.

-Casper's POV-

I looked into her eyes. I could get lost in them, I could. Our moment was lost when Derrick and Eli came into the room. I quickly looked away from Ashlyn. The room was silenced and no one could say anything to break the silence. Then Derrick walked over to me. "Matthew is here" he whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened. That was Ashlyn's cousin. She was so close to him. I walked out with Derrick and we went into a little room. "Where is he and why?" I asked.

"Slow down cowboy." Derrick said.

"I'm sorry it just looks like your unhappy.' I said.

" I am" Derrick said.

"Why?" I asked curiously. There couldn't be any more bad news. There just couldn't.

"Matthews joining the army." Derrick said. I gasped. I remember Ashlyn coming over with years in her eyes.


She slammed the door shut. Her eyes were red and it looked like she had been crying. In conclusion, she was a big mess. I came over to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "Ash, what wrong?" I asked.

"Everything, Casper, everything." She said. Her voice cracked and she started crying.

"Tell me. What the matter that's got you this upset?" I asked. Whoever this person was they were going to get smacked, hard.

"It's-It's Matthew..... H-he's gonna join the army when I'm seventeen." She said sobbing. It was a few years, but I didn't think I had a right to say that. I calmed her down a little bit. "He was going to join sooner, but he finally said when I'm seventeen he's joining no matter what." She said an I could tell she was going to cry again.

The thousand peices of my heart *DONE AND NOT GOING TO FINISH*Where stories live. Discover now