// Chapter One : The Beginning of it All //

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Lance wakes up to have the ear splitting alarm going off and Allura's voice over the intercoms.

"Paladins, please come to the training room immediately!" She announces urgently.

Lance lets out a long sigh and begins his regular morning routine. About ten minutes later, he finally makes it to the training room. The team stared at him with a cold gaze as he walks in.

"Lance," Allure's gaze turns into a dark squint, looking through narrow eyes. "You are late once again! You can't keep doing this. You are a warrior, a hero across the universe and you manage to be late for a very important exercise," Allura scolds the paladin. Waving her arms around for more overemphasis.

"I'm sorry, princess." Lance looks down at the metal, Altean floor before turning back to stare into the princess' blue eyes. "But how do you except to see this gorgeous face if you make me get up at an ungodly hour?" He asks her with a cocky smirk. Allura just sighs and shakes her head. Lance hears Keith mumble something under his breath, but shakes it off.

"I do not have time for this. Anyway, paladins. Today we are going to have another trust exercise. You all, along with Coran and I, will put these helmets on," she points a finger at the said objects, "so we can see through your memories," She explains.

Oh great...

"Is it going to hurt?" Hunk asks with slight jitter.

Lance places a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. "'Course not, big guy," he says, trying to ease the tension for him.

Coran hands the crew the helmets Allure and him supplied and they put them on their heads, securing the strap around their chins.

"Who would like to go first?" Coran asks, his eyes moving around the group for any volunteers. No one raise their hand.

"Come on guys, let's just get this done," Keith urges, crossing his arms with a low grunt.

"I," the green paladin begins. "I guess I'll go?" Pidge stutters.

"Okay, number five! You won't feel a single thing other than a tiny pinch," Coran says and then punches a button.

-el Time skip because I don't want to do everybody's-

"Hunk, seriously, is your whole life about food?!" The gremlin screeches.

"Yup," Hunk replies, giggling.

"Lance, you always had bruises on your face back in Hunk's memories! What find of fights we're trying to start as a kid, geez?!" Keith laughs loudly.

"Okay, Lance, it's your turn," Shiro says.

He thinks for a moment. "You guys might want to put on a translator so you can understand what's going on," He offers.

If they are going to know how I became the way I am, at least they can try to understand what I'm saying.

Lance gulps and puts the helmet on. He feels a slight pinch just like Coran said he would and the first thing the young boy can see is his older brothers face.

(A/N~ Words: 549
I hope you guys like this edited down version of the original story. I'm trying my best to look for mistakes and add some more detail to get you guys immersed in the story.
If you wouldn't mind, can you please tell me if you saw any spelling mistakes? I just want the story to feel cleaner if that makes sense at all.
Please vote and comment! Of course it's optional, but I would really appreciate it if you did! <3)

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