// Chapter Seven : Dreams //

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After Lance and Keith kissed, Keith's whole world lit up.

Keith grabs Lance's hand and they walk to the common room and hear everyone in there. No one seems to notice at first that they are holding hands so Keith lead them to the couch.

Still no one seems to take notice in their presence.

"Hey Keith? Are you from Japan 'cause I want you to get in my Japants," Lance cracks a joke and throws a wink at him.

Ah, now everyone is looking at them. Everyone looks at each other for a moment, trying to comprehend what Lance just said to Keith.

A blush runs across Keith's face when everyone looks at them in question.

"Uhhh, so Lance and I are a thing now," Keith states bluntly.

"Yay! My ship is sailing!" Pidge yells.

"Congratulations to the both of you," Shiro says, winking at Keith.

"Ooooh, we have to celebrate this! I'm going to go make some cookies!" Hunk says, leaping off the couch into the kitchen.

Keith looks at the two Alteans and sees that they have confused faces. "Are you guys okay?" Lance asks before Keith could.

"Um, yes, it's just- why did Keith get that weird face when Lance made that comment?" Allura asks.

"Um, well, that's called 'blushing' and it's what happens when someone gets embarrassed," Keith answers. The Alteans nods.

"Welp, I'm going to go and hang out with Hunk. See ya later~" Lance blows a kiss and walks off.

Shiro scoots next to Keith, "Soooo, how'd it happen?"

Keith laughs nervously and blushes. "Well, um, I was worried about him since he didn't eat, so I went to look for him and I finally had the courage to tell him how I feel," Keith says.

"Nice job, Keith!" Shiro pats him on the back.

"Yeah... I've been worrying about him. I can see when his 'jokester' mask falls. He's hurting, Shiro... and I'm not sure how to help. I've never been good at comforting people," Keith explains.

Shiro nods in understanding, "Jut help him through it. If he needs help with anything, he can go to you or one of us. I'm really surprised that Lance had that kind of past. He's always so happy and joking with others," Shiro says. The Alteans nod, too, in agreement.

Keith hums, "Yeah, I hope he knows that we care about him..."

They get interrupted when they hear a scream and laughter coming from the kitchen. They immediately get up to go see what all the fuss was about.

"What happened?" Coran asks.


Laughing at Hunks screaming, Lance decides to go to his room. He's really tired and thinks a nap would be good before they have to train.

Lance's bedroom door slides open and the cold air hits his skin. Goosebumps appear on his arms and legs. He slips into the covers and rests his head on the pillow. His eyes then flutter shut and he drifts off into sleep.

-Lance's dream-

He's running down the high schools hallway, trying to get to his locker before the next class starts.

"A hall... no... B hall... ugh...Ah yes! C hall!"

He slows his pace and finally reaches his locker. He comes to a stop when he sees notes and stuff taped to it.

"Pathetic," One note said. What?

"You're the reason your dad left," How did people know my dad left?

"Maybe this will kill yourself faster," That note stung the most. There is a blade taped to his locker and appears to have red paint on the blade.

Angry tears fill his eyes. He rips the notes and blade off of his locker and stuff them in the trashcan. The final bell rings...

-End of Lance's dream-

Lance wakes up to Hunk and Keith looking at him with worry.

"Lance buddy, are you okay? You're crying," Hunk asks Lance.

Lance lets out a sad chuckle, "Of course I am dude. Just had a dream is all. Nothing important," He says, wiping away his tears.

Hunk and Keith look at each other, "Well, it sure looks important. Do you wanna talk about it?" Keith asks.

"N-No, it's okay. Is it time to train yet? We should get going," Lance says quickly. He throws off the covers and sprint to the training deck, leaving the two boys behind him in question.

A/N~ Words 777
Hola, sorry this chapter took a little long to come out. I've been busy with work and school. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying your day! Please like and comment if you think this chapter deserves it!

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