// Chapter Six : Accepting //

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It's dark Keith's back hurts. There's a heavy weight on his chest so he opens his eyes to see the most beautiful- ah um... fuck it... BEAUTIFUL man laying on his chest.

Lance's eyes are closed and his sun-kissed skin looks so pretty with the way the glow of the stars in the distance beam off of his skin. 

Keith starts to stoke the Cuban's hair. Lance's long eyelashes flutter open. He has dried tears on his face and a little drool dripping from his mouth.

Keith let's out a laugh from the face Lance made while wiping the drool from his mouth.

"Hey, Cargo Pilot. Are you feeling better?" Keith asks, pushing his hair out of his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, mullet. Let's go eat breakfast before people start getting worried," Lance says.

The red Paladin nods and help Lance up. They walk down the hallway to the kitchen where everyone else is.

"Hey there gays-GUYS I mean," Pidge says with an evil smirk. Shiro gives the green paladin a glare.

Pidge and Shiro are the only ones Keith has told about his crush on Lance to. Only now, he's regretting it.

He gives Pidge the 'I'm going to kill you' stare while sitting down in his seat next to Lance.

"Bon appétit!" Hunk says, putting the special purple food goo down in front of them.

"Thanks buddy," Lance says with a smile.

They begin to eat, but something's different... it's too quite. Keith looks over at Lance and see he's playing around with the food goo.

He glances up from the corner of his eye, but quickly looks back down once he sees that Keith is already looking at him.

Lance pushes the plate away from him. "Ya know? I'm not that hungry. I'm gonna go do my facial stuff. See ya later," Lance says, walking out of the kitchen.

"Soooo Keith, when are you going to tell him?" Pidge asks, watching as the blue Paladin walks away.

"Tell who, what?" Hunk asks.

"That he has a HUGE crush on Lance," Pidge states with a giant smirk.

"Keith has a crush on Lance? Well then I guess I should tell you this... Lance has a crush on Keith, but he didn't want me to say anything 'cause he thought Keith hated him," Hunk tells everyone.

Lance... likes him? Should Keith tell him that he likes him back? Would they date? Would it hurt voltron? Will the others care-


Keith sighs and scoots out of the chair to go follow Lance.


Lance walks down the hall to the training deck. He slips on his armor and activate his bayard.

"Start training sequence, level seven," He yells to the computer.

The training level turns on and seven sparring bots appear.

Three of them rush towards him, but he shoots the three before any of them could get near him.

The other four bots seek up behind Lance and one of them kicks him in the back. He goes flying across the room and almost hits a wall. He is in shock for a moment but quickly shakes it off and gets back onto his feet to shoot the rest of them down.

Am I Still a Goofball? // Langst // Re-Written Where stories live. Discover now