// Chapter Eight : Practice Makes Perfect

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-Keith's pov-

Lance ran out of the bedroom, leaving Hunk and I in question.

What did he dream about that made him cry like that?

Hunk and I make our way to the training area. We are greeted to Allura looking at us with a scolding face. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Coran, explain what they are going to do today," Allura says with a sour tone.

"Alright paladins, thank you for finally showing up. Today we are going to do the simple invisible maze," Coran says.

Pidge and Lance whine, asking to do anything but that.

"Nope, we need to trust each other  more so you can keep forming voltron," Coran, Coran the gorgeous man says.

"But Coraaaaaannn, we can form voltron just fine! Do we really need to do this?" Lance whines again.

"Nope, we are doing with whether you like it or not, so let's get to it!" Coran says.

-Lance's pov-

Once everyone is suited up, Allura tells the teams: "Alright, so, Pidge, you will be telling Hunk where to go, Shiro, you are with Keith, and Lance, you are going to have to wait until everyone else has gone," She says.

Of course I'm last...

"Whatever you want me to do, Princess. I'll be open to do it," I wink at her. She rolls her eyes at me and walks off. I also get a glare from Keith, but choose to ignore it for now.

-el time skip because I'm lazy-

After everyone else has gone, it's finally my turn. I run down to the deck and start hopping up and down out of excitement.

I need to show them that I can be a good paladin.

"Okay Lance, Keith is going to tell you where to go," Allura's voice goes over the coms.

"Ahhh, Keith again?!" I say teasingly. Keith flips me off and smirks at me. I stick my tongue out and giggle in return.

"Okay, take three steps forward and then turn left," Keith directs me. I do as he says with out getting shocked. I mentally fist pump for not messing up.

"-then go right," Keith says.

Uhhhh what did he say? How many steps do I take? Stupid Lance! Not paying attention. Always getting distracted from the dumbest things-

"Lance, did you hear me?! Go seven steps forward and then turn right!" Keith shouts.

"Um yeah, of course I heard you mullet! I-I was just uhh ummmm..."

"Whatever, just do as I say, alright?" Keith scolds me.

I take seven steps forward and turn left.



"Ow! What the heck, Keith. You made me go the wrong directions AGAIN! I did what you said, right?" I shout at him.

"No Lance, I said go right, not left dumb dumb," Keith laughs at me.

Coran's voice goes over the com as well, "Lance, my boy, would you like to keep going or take a little break. I understand that the electric shock smarts quite a bit," he asks.

Am I Still a Goofball? // Langst // Re-Written Where stories live. Discover now