// Chapter Three : Thoughts From the Others //

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What the quiznack... what did I just see? Keith thinks to himself as he continues to stare at the metal floor.

He looks up and see Shiro and Pidge still in shock while Hunk is calling for Lance in the background.

Keith places his hands on his temples before he thinks: How can Lance, who is always telling everyone how great he is, hurt himself? I was apart of the problem too. I made him hate himself and made him feel like he wasn't a good pilot. I thought it was just part of our teasing sessions we do.

Keith turns his attention to Pidge when she lets out a small whimper before she wipes her tears off of her cheeks.

What the fuck? Lance is hurting? Why didn't he tell someone!? We could help him! We can do therapy, or — or make him take medication for his anxieties and depression! Anything! I would do anything for my family...

Pidge thens turns to Shiro to see how her leader is coping.

Shiro paces back and forth, side to side as he keeps looking over his shoulder to see how his team is doing with the new information that just witnessed.

I am such a terrible leader... I didn't know how much Lance went through at such a young age. I should've said something sooner. I had a feeling Lance had some mental problems, but I didn't expect this! He would always tell me how he is felling and asking how he can be better as a teammate and friend.

Coran places a comforting hand on princess Allura before turning away to collect his few thoughts.

I feel so bad for the boy. How can someone hurt a child! He was so innocent and then that man ruin it. No person should go through such sick treatment... it's not right.

Allura places her hand over Coran's to look into his eyes, only to see sadness and disappointment in humanity.

This is terrible! That man who did those horrific things to Lance is a complete monster! He should pay for his crimes!

Everyone turns to the hallway once they hear Hunk yelling something, trying to get Lance's attention.

Oh my gosh! How did I not realize what was going on at that house so long ago? Lance was, or is, hurting and I could've done something about back then if I understood what was happening! Why didn't Lance say something to me? I am his best friend... isn't he?

He has tears running down his face as he yells for the Cuban to come out of his room. He is in complete panic when Lance doesn't respond to Hunk's frantic yelling. He bangs his bedroom door a few times, but he still doesn't get any sort of answer.

Hunk begins to panic even more. His breathing slowing turns into hyperventilating as he starts to pace the hallway until he hears footsteps come up to him. The yellow paladin looks up and sees Shiro with his dad face™ on.

"What do we do, Shiro? Lance is hurting and I don't know what to do?" Hunk asks while more tears slip past his eyes.

"We'll figure it out. We support him. I'm not sure if he is still self harming or not so let's just keep a eye on him," The black paladin says, trying to comfort Hunk.

Hunk could only nod.

(A/N~ Words 628
Please vote and comment what you think of this chapter! I'm sorry this one is shorter than the last one, but I hope you still enjoyed it. If you see something wrong in the chapter, please let me know! Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next chapter coming soon! <3)

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