// Chapter Eleven : Goner //

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(A/N~ Here, have some more angst. I made Pidge a little innocent about curtain things in this chapter. *even though we know she's not* Please enjoy!)

-Lance's pov-

I run into the kitchen where Hunk is. "Hey buddy, how are you? Why do you look scared?" The Hawaiian teen asks.

"Oh haha, nothing. I'm fine. How are you?" I ask him, avoiding the other question.

"I'm good. Would you like to try the cupcakes I made?" He says, shoving the plate of cupcakes in front of me.

I nod and eat one. "These are delicious, dude! How did you make them?"

"Well, when we went to th-"

Hunk gets cut off my Pidge's yelling. "Lance, where are my headphones?!"

"Oh, hey gremlin. They are in my bedroom, lying on my bed," I answer.

She nods and walks away.

-Pidge's pov-

I walk down the castle's hallway to Lance's bedroom. The door slides open and reveals a surprising clean bedroom, other than the bed being a mess.

I grab my headphones and go on my way to leave, but a strange, shiny object catches my attention. I pick up the object to see it's a sharpe, little blade.

What is this? Why does Lance have this? Isn't this one of the things Lance would hurt himself with in one of his memories I saw?! I should go ask Shiro about it...

I place the blade in my pocket and start to look for him.


I find the black paladin in the training area. His Galra arm is glowing purple as he takes down five bots.

I stare in awe and cross my arms, but yelp when the blade pokes me in the side.

"Oh yeah, Shiro, can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask him.

The six year old jumps by my sudden appearance. "Oh, sure Pidge! Let me first go change into some more comfortable clothes."

I nod and let him do his thing.
I walk into the kitchen and eat some of Hunk's cupcakes while I wait.

Once he's done, he comes and sits next to me, picking up one of the cupcakes and putting it in his own mouth.

"So Pidge, what's up?" He asks.

"Um well, you know how in Lance's memory we saw him, uh, hurt himself?" Shiro nods, "Well, I found something in his room that kinda looks like one of the things he was using," I pull the blade out of my pocket and show it to Shiro.

His eyes widen and takes the blade from me. "Ok, thank you, Pidge. I'll talk to him about it right away," Shiro says.

I nod, my lips going into a flat line. "Thank you, Shiro."

-Shiro's pov-

I hold the blade tightly in my Galra arm, storming around looking for the Cuban teen.

I find him talking to Coran in the observation deck. "Coran, do you mind if I talk to Lance for a while?" Coran nods, feeling the tension in the room.

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