I Quit

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(WARNING: This chapter will be short because I didn't really know what to do with it)

"You know what? I quit!" They seemed to be confused at what I was saying.

"What do you mean you quit" Amy asked me. I roll my eyes and start to walk toward the door.

"I mean, I'm leaving the resistance" I felt a hand grab mine and when I turned back to see who it was. It was Sonic, I know he had a thing for me. Still, just because he is kinda cute doesn't I'm staying.

"(Y/n) please, I'm sorry" He pleaded. I yank my hand away and stare at him. He had a pleading face which was cute. But Sorry doesn't fix everything.

"No, I am leaving the resistance and there is no way you will change my mind" I turn and leave the bunker. Almost crying to be honest. I cared for them. I cared for Sonic and Shadow the most. But I was there for all of them. Now where am I gonna go? Gonna do? My family died during the war. There is a forest that I can go in. So that's where I'm gonna go. I enter the dark forest, don't worry. I can protect myself. I mean, I just came from WAR. Why do I talk to myself all the time?

(I told u, but the next Chapter should be longer)

Second Chance (Infinite x Fox Reader) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now