Fixed Them All

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~Infinite's POV~

Everything is very... awkward now. We are more flustered than usual, and more nervous. I haven't loved another girl since Geea. You all must be wondering who Geea is. Well she was my Ex Girlfriend. You guys should know all the events that happened with my friends when I said i'd work for Eggman. She was that female jackal in the group.

Anyway though, (Y/n) has been working on the robots since 9am. Right now it's 11am the next day. She's almost done and I keep trying to get her to come to bed.

"(Y/n) please, you're smart, you should know that sleep is the thing that.... Uh.." Ok, I don't knkw much about sleep. I sat there in thought until she answered me.

"Sleep is where the brain can rest so it's ready for what happens the next day, sleep also keeps the brain going, without enough sleep you can so much as go insane or your brain will force a shut down until it has the rest it needs" ... This is what happens when you date a scientist and know nothing about a lot of stuff.

"You just gave me the PERFECT reasons why you should go to sleep!" I say, folding my arms while I watched her look up at me. She didn't respond as she looked back down at the Metal and continued working. I growled and lifted her up over my shoulder.

"Hey!" She yelped. I walk toward toward her bedroom while she punched my back. Damn does she have some strength in her. "Put me down Infy!" She shouted at me. I ignored her and opened the door to her bedroom. "Zero!"

"What did I say about that name?" I chuckle. She rolled her eyes and let out the cutest squeal when I slammed her down onto the bed. "Just for that you get to sleep for 2 extra hours, sleep for 10 hours and i'll let you continue fixing the Metal's"

"Infy! I need to finish them! You had no problem with me staying up before!" She shouted. We were being playful about this small argument.

"Yeah I did, I just never said anything, but now i can lift you up and look at your ass without being weird," I smirked. She blushes really hard and stared up at me. I laugh and set a knee on the bed. Slipping my arms behing her back and under he knees, I lift her up and lay her down correctly.

"Y-you're kidding, right?" She's so cute when she stutters. I chuckle and give her a small peck on the lips.

"Nope" I smile. She growled and turned on her side.

"Fine, i'm going to sleep" I snarl at her, playfully because I wasn't actually mad at her. I get up off of her and walk toward the door.

"My savage little Fox" I smile, turning the light off and leaving the bedroom door open. I walk into the main lab to see the metals staring at me with a smirk. ".... Shut up and leave me alone!!" I shout with a hard blush. I walk back into the hallway and going toward my room. But when i passed (y/n)'s room, i was met with an irrisistable erge to go in there and cuddle her.

"Infinite and (y/n) sitting in a tree!" I heard one of the metals start. But then i heard them a chime in.

"First comes love, second comes the marriage, thired comes the baby in the baby carriage!" I growl at them and walk into (y/n)'s room. Climbing in bed and snuggling with her.

~9 hours later~

I woke up giggling like a little girl..... 5 minutes ago.... I was still asleep when (y/n) woke up and she tickled me awake.... Women man I swear. But now we were in the lab again and she was working on the metals. No thanks to Sonic and his stupid gang. I looked toward the fixed ones and saw them laughing at something on (y/n)'s computer.

"GAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" One of them yelled. I walk over and look at the screen. They were watching a loop of Silver and Shadow kissing, and this was footage from the security camera!?!??

"Next time we see Shadow or Silver, we're blackmailing them with this right?" I ask. They all nodded as we watched it on loop continuously for about an hour. It was only till another 3 hours later when (y/n) got finished with fixing all the creations. After that i got to cuddle with her on the couch and watched BumbleBee with all the creations.

Second Chance (Infinite x Fox Reader) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now