Metal Sonic

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~Your POV

I wave to Infinite, leaving my lab. I am going out and collecting more of Eggman's abandoned robot parts. While Infinite stay's at my lab where it is safe. I close the door behind me and lock it. I'm not worried about him escaping, I am worried about anyone else finding him. I'm walking through Green Hill Zone. Picking up small or medium robot parts. I began to hear sparks of what sounded to be a robot. I walk toward that sound as it gets louder and louder. I am now a little ways in a forest and I finally found what was making that sound. It was Metal Sonic! He looks really injured, especially after me and Sonic having to defeat him. I pick up the broken robot and walk back to my lab. Once I get there I find Infinite sitting on the floor in front of the door (I rhymed!). Like a cute little dog waiting for their owner to come home. I giggle and walk past him, toward my work bench.

"Metal!" Infinite shouted, he finally realized that I had Metal Sonic? Wow. I pull out a box of tools and set them next to Metal. I open the box and pull out a screw driver.

"I found him in the forest while I was looking for robot scraps' ' I say, I opened Metal up and took about 10 hours of my life to fix the poor thing. Including Bathroom breaks, lunch, snack, & dinner. All of that taking about 3 hours and 43 minutes out of the 10 hours. Infinite is in his room sleeping. I have a camera in there and a tv right next to me, watching him. I'm doing this to make sure he is still safe and there ya know? I was able to change his evil programming chip to a neutral programming chip. I brought him back to life and when I did he tried attacking me. When I dodged his first hit he stops and stands in front of me.

"(Y/n)?" His robotic voice asks me. I nod my head and sit down in my rolling chair.

"It's ok Metal, Sonic and them aren't here and I won't hurt you" I smile. He nods and looks around.

"Where are we?" He asks a lot of questions! Well he did almost die.

"You're in my lab, I found you in a wreck in the forest so I brought you here to fix you up" I smiled. I stand up and show him to another room in my lab. This one is a VERY big one. Why did I put him in this one? Because he will be sharing that room with more robots. I wanna see if I can find any more of the Metal versions of my former friends and try to make them nice. I have one room for the boys and another one for the girls. I walk into my bedroom and close my door. Once I changed into my pajamas and lay down, I heard quiet whimpering.

"Huh?" I stand back up and walk outside my bedroom. I heard it a little more clearly as I walked toward Infinite's bedroom door. I silently opened his door and found him in his bed. He looked like he was having a nightmare. His fur was really sweaty, he was tossing and turning, and his face showed fear not happiness. I walk up to the side of his bed and look at him for a few seconds. Before putting my hand behind his ear and scratching it. Infinite smiles and stops tossing and turning. I keep scratching there for a few more seconds, then I stand up and walk into my bedroom.

~The Next Morning~Infinite's POV

I wake up in the bedroom (y/n) let me stay in. I was having a nightmare, but in the middle of it it became a dream! At first I was in the streets as a little Jackal, and some kids came up to me and were making fun of my big ears and my big long tail. They were also waking fun of my hair. But in the middle of that I grew a lot bigger and destroyed everyone and everything. Even Sonic The Hedgehog! But it got weird after that, because I wouldn't kill (y/n). Anyway, I walked into the main part of the lab and found (y/n) with Metal Sonic. Wow, she actually fixed him! If Eggman would have found him, he would have thrown him out. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Good morning Infinite" I walk over and sit in one of the chairs.

"How is it going with Metal?" I ask, she looks at me and bobs her head to the left and right. Which obviously means she is having a little trouble with it.

"Ok Metal, Imagine I am Sonic The Hedgehog, and you encounter him, what do you do?" She asks him. I look at Metal with a little worry. He puts a fist up and punches (y/n) into the wall. I gasp and run up to her, for some reason. She laid there for a little bit, before getting up on her hands and knees. I hold out a hand, she takes it and I yank her up. "Thanks"

"Your welcome" I say, I sit back down and watch (y/n) train Metal Sonic. Which took until lunch for Metal to get used to not punching her. Luckily he didn't mess up her beautiful face. What is going on with me!? I am the Ultimate Mercenary! I do not say things like that! Anyway, I had a chilli dog, but it's not as good as Sonic says. (Y/n) had a cold meat sandwich, and Metal had oil salad. Which was made up of robot parts and oil dressing. Gross. It was really quiet and I sort of didn't like it. We need to break this silence. But what should I ask? I got it.

"(Y/n)? I wanna ask something" I begin, she looks up from her plate and at me.

"Go ahead" she said with a mouthful. My heart started to race for some reason. I ignore that and continue.

"Why are you caring for us? You helped defeat us, obviously you hated us. And why miss out on the perfect chance to talk shit about us?" I ask. Her cheeks lit up with a pink hue and looked back down to her plate.

"Well.... I care about you guys because I feel bad. It's not your fault that your evil, I mean you were created by Eggman. I was always fond of you guys to" she what!? She was interested in us? Why?

"What do you mean?" Metal asked. He beat me to it!

"I mean, you guys always brought an interest to me, I like to take Eggman's robots and turn them nice. Wouldn't you guys rather be loved and not beaten up rather than the opposite?" Wow, I guess. But there is no way anyone could forgive me. Other than her anyway. I nod my head and look down at my empty plate. I have never been loved, and now I kinda want to change that.

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