Infinite The Nice Jackal

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~Infinite's POV

I'm not weak, I'm not weak, I'm not weak! I say in my mind. Ever since Sonic, young Sonic, and his bea- I mean annoying assistant defeated me. I have been sitting here in this forest. My lower back against the tree, the rest curved. Because I had my arms on my knees and my face dug into my arms and legs. My ugly, horrifying face.

"Infinite!?" I looked to my right and up and saw (Y/n). I gasped and wanted to stand and run. But I didn't wanna look weak.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating my defeat?" I growl. "Don't answer that, go away or this time I will kill you"

"Go ahead and kill me then," she said. I can't do it, I can, but I can't, and I don't understand why. But if I do try, I will be beaten to the ground again anyway. She walks up to me and pets me.

"What are you-" I started to growl, but when I saw what she was doing I stopped. I sewed my mouth shut and forced myself to stop breathing so she didn't hear my purr "S-stop that!" I smack her hand away and turn away from her. She giggles and goes back to petting me. I wish I had my mask on. Why? Because her giggle is cute and I like the petting. FUCK!!! Why!? Why do I like it!? I am supposed to be evil and cruel! Why is she here anyway? Why is she caring for me? I felt a raindrop fall on my head. When I looked up another raindrop fell onto my muzzle. I blinked a few times while I scrunched up my nose. Then all of a sudden it started to pour down rain. My fur easily started to soak, and obviously hers did to.

"Come on" she grabs my hand and pulls me up, leading me to a big old building. I wanted to yank my hand away, but I didn't. I tried biting her hand, but she smacked my nose. I stop while scrunching up my nose again. She opens the door and closes it behind us.

"What are you doing!?" I shout, I didn't like this. Whatever she is doing I don't like it.

"I am pulling you out of the rain so you don't get a cold" She...... cares about me? I have never been cared about before. Not even as a young Jackal. She grabs a towel and comes toward me. I start to back up, holding my hands out in case she gets to close.

"What are you doing?" I ask again, I watch her roll her eyes as she comes closer to me. She spreads the towel out and starts to rub it on my head.

"I am drying you off, have you become dumb after Eggman recreated you?" I start to growl. How dare she!? I am not dumb! No where close, unlike her. She moves the towel down to my shoulders and arms. And after a little more rubbing she goes down to my sides. I flinched when she started to rub my ribs and stomach. Obviously trying to not smile. Then she moves to my tail. My long and wet tail. I fold my arms while growling. When she was done I shook my body, making my fur stick up. I shake again and my fur goes back down in place. She shakes herself off and becomes really fluffy. I looked over at her and almost smiled! My blush was obvious too. "Why were you out there?" She asks me.

"Why do you wanna know, you little brat" I growl. I heard her slightly growl. I turned towards her and watched her walk away. Where is she going? I slowly follow her to this giant computer. One kinda like Eggman's, but bigger.

"Hmph, your welcome" she growled. I look down, I need to try to be nicer. I want to, but I don't at the same time. She grabs my hand again and leads me to a bench. "Sit" she demands. I just fold my arms and ignore her. Then I felt a pull from my tail.

"YIP!!" I screech, she picks me up and sets me on the bench.

"I said sit," she said again. She sits down next to me, and HUGS ME!?!? I slowly hugged back and for some reason started to cry. I cried! In front of another being!

"Wh-why are you taking care of a weakling like me and not with the "heroes"?" I asked again. She sighs and let's go of me.

"You're not weak, I'm here taking care of you because I feel bad, and I'm not with them because I left the resistance, Sonic and them were talking shit about you and I didn't wanna hear it for the rest of my life" Sh-She left the resistance, for me? Why would she care for me? I'm nothing, besides she helped defeat me.

"......... Thank You" I say, what is she doing to me!? What is happening to me!? I am supposed to be mean, and destructive, and a lot of other things!

"Your Welcome Infinite" she kisses my forehead and stands up. I could feel my face heat up after she kissed me. "C'mon, you should get some rest" I follow her to a bedroom. She has extra bedrooms in her lab? Kind of surprising, considering that I used to sleep in a tube. I walk in and lay down on the bed. Almost immediately falling asleep. "Good Night, Infy''

"G-Good Night" I say, holy crap she gave me a nickname! WHY ARE MY CHEEKS RED AS FUCK!? I fell asleep a few seconds after she closed the door. And I ended up having a dream about her.

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