Tails Doll

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~In Your Lab~Your POV

It's been a day or two since I have found Metal Knuckles. And each day me and Infinite get closer. However, every time he pushes me away. It hurts a little, but I know him. He is trying to stay edgy and cruel. It isn't working though. Well, right now me and Infinite are sitting here, in silence. I want to start a conversation, but I don't know how to start it. Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles are messing around with each other in their robot room. Probably fighting because I keep hearing metal scrape and banging walls. I'm just gonna go try to take a nap. I didn't fulfill my 13 hours of sleep like I wanted to last night. Instead however, I only got 6 hours of sleep. Due to both Metal's fighting on which glass case they were gonna sleep in. Then I couldn't sleep after that. I stand up and walk around behind the couch. As I was passing by Infinite I scratched behind his ear. I heard him purr but he stopped when I stopped petting him.

"H-Hey!" He stammered. I look back toward Infy with a smile. Which seemed to make his face turn from anger to plain. His white furry cheeks started to glow pink.

"What?" I ask, his cheeks turned a darker red as he looked down. Did he not want me to stop scratching him behind his ears? I walk back over to him and scratch him behind his ears again. He seems to be holding back his purr, which makes me a little sad.

"S-s-stop that! N-now! O-or" Infy stammered. I giggle and dig in a little deeper. This time he started to purr.

"Or what?" I teased, slyly smirking at his behavior. "You gonna kill me?" I tease again, with a playful tone. He began to growl, which is truthfully cute. He lays back on the couch, just sits there and let's me make him purr. I jump back to the sudden loud sound going off in my lab. That was the intruder alarm! I ran to my security cameras and saw a glowing red light traveling through the air vents. I pressed a button on the dashboard, which trapped the thing in between two sets of bars. I could tell what it was, it was Eggman's Tails Doll!

"What's going on?" Infy asked me. I was too rushed to answer. I ran to my room and put on a body suit. I put one on for two reasons.

1. So I don't get too hurt while in the vents

2. I know Eggman is trying to find me and his creations.

Just as Infy entered my room, I crawled my way into the vents. I did not like to crawl in small spaces. I hate small spaces. I am very claustrophobic, which means I do not like small spaces. So I was trying to go as quickly as I could. After a few lefts and a few rights, I make it to the Tails Doll that I captured in the vents. He looked at me, and I immediately saw the camera in him. Eggman was trying to get into my lab so he could steal back his experiments. No way Jose! I will not allow him to take them! Especially not Infy. I stick my hand through the bars and grab the floating doll. It went to hit me, but I opened it's back and shut it down. Before I take it anywhere, I pull out the tracking device and destroy it. I pull the doll from out of the cage and crawl down another vent. One that leads to the main room of my lab. I failed straight down, through the vent, and attempted to land on my feet. That plan however, did not turn out as well and non awkward as I hoped.

I landed on something soft. My head steadily moved up and down at a gentle pace. I open my eyes and use my arms to lift the top half of my body up. Looking down, I realized I fell on Infy. My head was on his chest, and our legs were twisted up with each other. He was looking at me with a red face, and the expression you give when you have no idea how to react to something. I felt my face heat up as I quickly stood. He slowly stood up, both of us still silent.

"I-I'm sorry, are you ok?" I apologized, stuttering at the beginning of my sentence.

"Y-y-yeah" He stuttered. I pick up the Tails Doll and walk to my desk. Trying to ignore what had just happened. But I couldn't, because I wanted that to happen again.

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