My Feeling For You Is Love

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~Your POV

This morning Metal Sonic and Metal Shadow were dumb enough to have a battle in my lab. Broke the conditioning, broke most of my equipment, and almost harmed Infy. I can't fix the conditioning without equipment, i can't fix my equipment without tools and parts. I would go to the market, but I can't leave them here without supervision. So, i'm gonna have Tails come over and watch them. I know, but Tails had known all along. He pinky promised me he wouldn't tell them. I know I can trust Tails. However it's gonna take Tails a while to find a good time to leave Eggman's Base.

Me and Infy sat out in my living room, hot as hell. If he wasn't here then I would have taken my shirt off, however that's not the case. Infy usually wears a t-shirt and jeans. Right now, i'm wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorty shorts.

"Ugh! It's so hot in here! What's taking him so long!?" Infy complained. I sigh, slouching on the couch with my eyes closed. After a few seconds I open my eyes to see Infy TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF!? He was very lean and well built. He was very alluring or sexy. I felt my face heat up at I stared at his bare muscled chest. He glanced at me and saw my red face. I quickly look away and cover my face with my tail. I heard the door to the lab open. I look back and saw Tails.

"Hey (y/n)" he smiled, I smile back and jump over the back of the couch. Walking up to Tails.

"Thanks buddy! Make sure Metal Shadow and Metal Sonic or Metal Knuckles don't fight! I don't need anything else broken!" I say. He nods and looks over to Infy.

"Ok, but.. you want me to stay here with him? I mean I don't have a problem, but" I look at Tails, then Infy. I won't take it the wrong way. Because I'm desperate, and I know what he means.

"Infy your coming with me" I sigh. Tails and Infy look at me like it's a bad idea.

"You want me to WHAT!? Do you not know who I am!? Are you trying to get me killed!?" Infy shouted. I place a hand on my hip and give him a serious look.

"You will be fine as long as you stay right next to me! Get your mask, we are going to go get what I need" I demand. He growls. Getting off the couch he walks into his room. He comes out with a mask that I made him. Not a scary one, and sort of like his old one. I made it for this reason. "A-and y-you need to put a sh-shirt on" I stammer, my face getting hotter after looking at his exposed torso again. He rolls his eyes and walks back into his bedroom, and comes out with a black coat on.

"Fine, let's go..." me and Infy walk out the lab and toward the market. When we got there he started to cling onto me. Looking around at the people who walked by us.

~Infinite's POV

I hold onto (y/n)'s arm, looking at all who were staring at me. I wish I stayed with that orange pussy. I don't like it out her in the open. I felt her lean down a little, on my side. Still walking.

"It's ok Infy, they won't lay a finger on you as long as I am right here next to you" She whispered in my ear. I blushed to the nickname, but smiled a little after feeling a lot safer. I slide my arm down a little lower, grabbing her hand. As if I were a little child. I looked up at her and her face was a dark red. I felt her hand put pressure on mine, holding my hand back. In my eyes, I see this as a Mother and Son relationship. But deep down I feel something different. I feel like we are lovers. But that will NEVER happen. But I wish it would. I think I know what this feeling is now. I-I love her. It's hard to admit, and no matter how edgy I am, and how much I deny it. I love (y/n).

~Your POV

I stop at a place, where I get most of my tools. S-still holding Infinite's hand. The place is called "Fixer-upers". Filled with THE BEST tools there are, but very expensive. We walk in, a bell alerting the worker that we have walked in. Very few people were in here, probably because it's been a week or two since.... Infinite happened. We walk into an isle with a bunch of the same tools, but made by different companies. I go to reach up for the wrench I need, but I was too short to reach.

"I can't reach it!" I said. Infy looks at me, then the wrench I was reaching for. He floats up with his phantom ruby and grabs it for me. Floating down, he handed me the wrench. "Thanks Infy"

"Heh, shorty" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and growled at him.

"Shut up, your shorter than me" I growl playfully, with a smile. I walk into the next isle with him. Infy raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm a little bit taller than you, and I can fly" he smirked. I looked at him with an agitated expression. I roll my eyes and continue walking through the isle's. I start to shiver from the cold store. I look over at Infy and realized that I should have brought a jacket like him. However, I'm dumb enough not to. He looks at me and sighs. Infy takes his jacket off and wraps it around me. Thank Chaos he had a shirt on this time. I mean, I wouldn't mind see-..... i'm just gonna shut up now and continue walking.

I grip onto the middle of the zippers on each side of the jacket, pulling it on me tighter. I could smell Infy's scent on it. He smells so good. Wait, oh no.... I know exactly what this feeling is now. Its love, I love Infy.

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