Eggman Attacks

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~Infinite's POV~

I was sitting in the livingroom with (Y/n) sitting on my lap. Shadow, Sonic, Silver, and Amy were taking turns playing Sonic Forces. The game SEGA came out with after the war between Eggman and Sonic. (Y/n) had her head on my shoulder and was playing with my chest fur. Making me blush really hard and i couldn't help but purr. She looked up at me with a dirty smirk. Noticing, I look down at her with nothing but an embarrased, flustered, frustrated look. She just smiled and dug her fingers in even more.

I shut my eyes and scrunch up my face, whimpering quietly. "Y-(y/n), qu-quit, i c-can't handle it" I whined quietly. She giggled at me and went a little easier by just brushing her fingers through my fur.

"Awww, you're so cute" She smiled at me. I give her a frustrated frown. Making her giggle and hug my chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her hips, giving her a kiss on her head.

"Hey love birds, wanna play a level?" Sonic called from the other couch.

"Hell yeah!" (Y/n) jumped up from my lap and quickly walked over to them. Taking the controller and playing a level. It was the level where she had to go up against me. Silver walked over and sat next to me. I smirked, remembering the little tape of Shadow and Silver kissing behind the lab.

"You like Shadow?" I asked with a chuckle. Silver blushed hard and covered his face.

"Noooo! D-don't say it out loud like thaaat" he whined. I laughed at him and took a drink of my water.

"Still like him though?" I smirked. He groaned and nodded, blushing harder. "I thought you liked Blaze?" I asked. I've encountered the cat a few times. But before he answered, everything stopped very quickly when we heard loud stopping and robotic squeaking. We all stopped everything that we were doing and ran outside to check out what was going on. Outside, Eggman had a large army of robots coming our way. 'Oh no...' I thought.

~No One's POV~

Sonic looked up at the robots, placing a hand on his hip. Everyone did the same but stood with either their arms crossed, or to their side. Eggman brought a microphone up to his lips and started to talk through it.

"Hello, Sonic!" Eggman smirked. Sonic looks up at the fat doctor with a careless look. Infinite held (y/n) in his grip protectively as he listened to what both Eggman and Sonic had to say.

"Hey Egghead, what ya want?" Sonic said. Eggman chuckles darkly and brought the microphone back up to his mouth.

"You will soon find out!" Eggman began to evily laugh. Sending the very large and very small robots at them. The Tails prototype turned against Sonic and attacked him. Keeping him occupied while the others fought the robots.

"Tails!? What're you doing!?" Sonic shouted. The prototype ignored Sonic's words and slammed the hedgehog into the ground. "AGGHH!! TAILS!"

"Hahahahaa! That isn't Tails! That is just a prototype of mine!" Eggman laughed. Sonic's eyes widened as he fought back against the prototype. Everyone else was fighting robots until Knuckles noticed Sonic's struggle. Running up to the two battling, Knuckles sucker-punches the prototype away from Sonic.

"Thanks Knuckles!" Sonic smiled. Knuckles nodded and continued to battle the overpowered prototype. Everyone else continued with the robots, destroying them and making them explode. However, while they were distracted, Eggman set up the weapon he was gonna use to kill Infinite. Infinite was scratching and kicking Robots, working together with (y/n) to destroy them.

Shadow helped Silver out by combining his Chaos Powers with Silver's Telekinesis. Amy and Rouge were working well together as well. Amy would hit robots with her piko piko hammer into the air so Rouge could finish them off with her steal boots.

"Nighty Night, Infinite" Eggman chuckled. Powering up the weapon and shooting it at Infinite once he had the aim locked in. The weapon shot a white beam straight into Infinite's chest. (Y/n) saw this and her eyes widened. "YES!!!" Eggman shouted with glee.

"INFINITE!!!" (Y/n) rushed over to Infinite.

~Infinite's POV~

When the beam hit the last thing i heard was (y/n)'s scream. My sight quickly started to dim and my control of my body stopped. But I did feel my body fall backward against the ground, i could just barely keep my eyes open. I internally begged to get up but i couldn't, and i wanted to. I wanted to live, live with (y/n) and have a future. I had the feeling that wasn't going to happen though.

With my blurry vision, it looked like (y/n) was leaning over top of me. Trying to get me to get up. I tried with all my strength to lift my hand up to her cheek but my body was jerked jerked away from her. I assumed it was Eggman trying to retreave me, and i was right. He killed me to take me back as a mercinary. Something I very well did not want. The worst part I found about this, was that I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Chapter count down: 3

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