Saying Sorry

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Infinite stayed in his room for the next two days. Making (y/n) worry, hoping she didn't lose him.

~Infinite's POV~

'... I'm hungry... I'm thirsty.. I can't stand it. I'm sorry, but how to say it.' I stand up and walk toward my door. I twist the handle and slowly push it open. I slowly walk out, head low, ears low. I walk toward the kitchen where ik my meal was. (Y/n) had walked over to my door earlier and said that i had two steaks and some mashed potato's in the microwave. I could hear them talk about happy times while playing a game of poker.

I open the microwave, take the plate, and walk back to my room. Closing my door behind me, but i heard it open again. I was sitting in my bed, devouring my steak. While Metal Silver walked into the room.

"What you want Metal Iron" I say. He growls at me.

"It's Silver, not Iron" the metal head told me. I roll my eyes and nod.

"Fine, what do you want, Silver?" I ask. The metal head walks over to my bed and sits down in front of me. I shift a bit with uncomfortability.

"I want you to apologize to (y/n), i bet you already want to, but do it soon, she's been worried about you" the metal idiot frowns during his sentence. I sigh and hang my head low. I did want to apologize, it hurt me to know she was worrying, i felt the need to cry but held it all it.

"I don't know how... How do you apologize for something like this?" i ask him. My voice was croaky and deep. You could tell i haven't slept much.

"Kinda like how Sonic apologized for attacking you, but you might have to do a little more than that" a little more than that? Does he mean... A romantic gesture? A date?.. A... A... I don't know.

"What do you mean a little more?" I ask. Holding my head up to look at him. It showed the hope i had in my eyes.

"Well, what does (y/n) like to do?" He asked me. I sit there and think for a short minute. Everything popping into my head almost immediately.

"(Your top hobby), (what you collect), (your favorite date spot/place), (your favorite restaurant)" i named off. Silver looked up at me with a smile.

"There you go! Get her something she collects, make it a gift, get her favorite food from her favorite restaurant, and have a picnic at her favorite date spot" I gasped and jumped up with excitement.

"Yes! Perfect! Thank you!" I hug him and grab my jacket. It's winter time, but i'm still cold even with all this fur.

"Your welcome!" He yelled out to me. I run out my room and out the lab door. Running toward town, but started walking because i got tired.

"So... She collects (what you collect), so.. I can get it here!" I walk into a store and look around, trying to find something that isn't in her collection yet. I finally find one and buy it with it in a red gift box.

After at least two hours later, i have the little picnic set up at (your favorite date spot), i have (your favorite food), and (the item/items you collect). Now, just to go get her.

~Your pov~

Infinite's been out a while.... I hope he didn't run away... It's worrying me. My ears lift up when i hear the front door open. Infy walked in and toward me. He grabbed my hand and lifted me up.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stutter, blushing. He just smiles at me and walks out the lab with me. He was holding me bridal style and walking a certain way. I was confused until i recognized the path way. He's taking me to my favorite spot. Is he.. Is he gonna try to apologize? By why go through so much for me? "Infy, you-" i wanted to tell him that he didn't need to do this, but he just placed his finger on my lips.

"Shhh" he shushed me. I nod and stay quiet the rest of the way. My strong sense of smell started to pick up the scent of my favorite food. Did he really do all this for me? "Just be quiet my little victim"

That's new, but, i like it. I like how he called me that for some reason. Maybe it was his voice and the way his voice sounds, it's a possibility. We pop up at my favorite spot and he gently sets me down in front of a styrofoam container of my favorite food. There was one more styrofoam container, and it was for him.

"Enjoy, firefly" he smiled. I smiled softly, i started to dig into my food. He did to, and we sat in silence for a little bit until he spoke up again. "I wanted to say sorry for what i did, i lost my temper to him, and i couldn't let him win, i'm also sorry for making you worry about me" i smile and wipe some sause off of his cheek with my thumb.

"It's ok Infy, it's all over now" i smile. He smiles back and picks up a red box. Handing it to me, i open it and gasp. "You... How"

"I knew you love to collect those, so i got ya some that you don't have" I jump up and hug him, nuzzling his neck.

Chapter Count Down: 5

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