There Is Still Hope

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~No Ones POV~

Shadow and Sonic spin dash Eggmans Eggmobile. Sending him flying with Orbot and Cubot. He dropped Infinite in the process, making the fallen jackel fall to the ground. (Y/n) rushed over to the black and white ball and picked him up.

"Infinite, Infy get up!!" She shouted, shaking him a bit. No response was given by him. Sonic walked up and placed a hand on the small foxes shoulder with a deep frown.

"He's gone (y/n)...." Shadow's voice was deeper than ever. Tails (the real one) ran up to the huddled up group. He knew what was up because he heard Eggman mumbling about it on his flight. (Y/n) burst into tears, sobbing hard into the dead jackals chest. Sonic kneeled down to her and lended out his arms. (Y/n) took notice but refused him and continued to cry on Infinite.

"He's n-not dead! I-i-i can save him!" (Y/n) stood up with Infinite in her arms and ran inside the lab. They all sigh and look at the direction she ran with sad expressions.

(Y/n) brought Infinite to her work table. Laying him down and scurrying around to find her tools. She wouldn't let him die, she wouldn't let him stay dead. (Y/n) wasn't gonna let anyone stop her from bringing her Infy back. He was half machanics, and half Jackal; or... So she thought. (Y/n) needed to figure out what exactly the beam did to him.

(Y/n) took an X-Ray of Infinte and immediately saw the problem. He was full Jackal, no machanics. Eggman had only enhanced Infinite with chemicals and radioactive gas. At the same time, Sonic and his gang walked in. (Y/n) stood still, staring up at the screen; her face darkened and tears streamed down her face.

Sonic and Shadow walked up to (y/n). Shadow hugged her, wrapping his arms around her; as (y/n) gripped his chest fur and sobbed. Sonic hugged her from behind, arms around her waist.

"I-i-i-i-" (y/n) stuttered. Shadow softly shushed her and rubbed her back. After maybe 5 minutes (y/n) left their arms and walked toward Infinite. Picking him up and nuzzling his nose, sending her into more tears. "I-I'm so sorry.. I-it should have been me"

Sonic went to say something, to deny what she said and encourage her. However, Shadow placed a hand on his shoulder. He shook his head at him.

"Don't" Shadow told him. Sonic nodded with a sigh, looking over at the female fox. Setting him down on the table, (y/n) pressed a button on the wall and a capsule spun in.

"What's that (y/n)?" Amy asked. (Y/n) sighed and walked back to Infinite. Picking him up and returning back to the capsule.

"A body reserver... It'll keep him and his body looking exactly the same as if he were alive..." (Y/n) sighed. Gently placing Infinite's body into the capsule. Tails was interested but was too sad to say anything. Leaning in a bit she kissed him and backed out of it. Closing the capsule. She pressed the button again and the capsule disappeared into the wall.

~Two Days Later~

(Y/n) sat in the garden behind the lab. It was raining hard and thundering. Non of the members liked this, but they let her. For the past two days (y/n) has been laying around, or sitting in her room.

(Y/n) sat on her legs, hunched over; sitting in a small patch of grass in the middle of a garden of flowers. She dug her claws into her arms as she sobbed. After maybe 2 minutes if straight sobbing, she heard a sweet, familiar voice next to her. Looking up from the ground, (y/n) saw Infinite standing beside her.

"What's wrong Firefly?" Infinite looked at her with a soft smile. (Y/n) burst into more tears, jumping up and hugging him. However, when she did, he disappeared. Not sleeping for more than two days causes halucinations. (Y/n)'s face darkened, causing her to burst into more sobs of pain. Tails saw this from the back door and frowned. (Y/n) wanted to stop crying, but the memories and halucinations kept bringing her back to more tears.

Tails sighed and walked up to her. Sitting down next to her and wrapping his two tails around her. "Hey.. I-... It'll be ok, he's in a safe place, you'll see him again someday" Tails wasn't at all good at cheering people up. He never was.

(Y/n) stayed quiet, continuing to sob in the rain. "You could always remake him, knowing you, it's possible to make an endoskeleton and put Infinite's reserves and soul into it" Tails said. (Y/n) stopped, her eyes widening as she looked up at him.

"What did you say?" (Y/n) asked. Tails got slightly refused and repeated his words.

"You could always remake him?" Tails repeated. (Y/n) jumped up with a gasp.

"Thats it!!" (Y/n) ran into her lab. "Thanks Tails!" She smiled, before doing anything, she made sure to dry off. After doing so she grabbed her lab coat and put it on.

"Hey (y/n)... You seem happy?" Sonic asked. He was slightly concerned about this. (Y/n) didn't answer him for a bit as she rushed to her robot parts room.

"I'm going to recreate him!" (Y/n) said. They were confused until Tails rushed in.

"Let me help you (y/n)! Two heads are better than one! It'll make the chances much higher!" Tails smiled. (Y/n) popped her head out the door and nodded. Going back in and grabbing the pieces she knew she would need.

"Huh?" Amy asked. Tails looked at them.

"We can bring him back, if we find him a few new organs, make an endoskeleton, and transfer things over to it, such as brain and voice box and muscles, and new organs that the beam destroyed then we can bring him back!" Tails explained. Every gasped and nodded.

"I will bring you back, i promise Infy" (y/n) smiled.

Chapter Count Down: 2

(The next chapter, is the last chapter)

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