steven meeks

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why you're on your way to welton's library? you didn't have to study, i mean, you did, but you were certainly much not going to, nor reading is a hobby of yours, another day, another time, you would probably be planning some prank with charlie but, now, you just couldn't.

that you never liked welton, that was a matter of fact, for you, this place is like hell, you like to try, to invent, to do. you like to breathe, you like to be free, have your own opinions, to be listened to, respected and it did not happen inside of this institution. it's not like outside is better, society, in general, is awful, but it's ways more comfortable than being at this school, outside... you could at least pretend.

the past few days was being terrible for you, you keep failing tons of subjects and being called out, the days passed by slowly and it wasn't even close to the end of the year, you tried to find anything to lean on, to help you through this and for some reason you kept thinking about steven meeks and your mind would calm down a little.

you and steven aren't close, you two do have mutuals friends, and even considered each other friends, but you two never talked or hang out alone, so it was weird to think about the red-headed so much, to make him your little comfort. but there ain't much you could do.

today especially was a very bad day, you just got out of nolan's office and had to listen to lots of shit, especially for you being one of the rare girls at welton. it's like everyone wants you to be perfect in this school when, well, people aren't. and you couldn't care less, but it was stressful.

and even more stressful was the fact that you haven't seen meeks today, that's why you're entering the library right now. from afar you could notice the boy with a big chemistry book, you fought the urge to roll your eyes.

"hello, i'm sitting here." you announced sitting in the front of the boy. steven archived a brow.

"well, i must say i was starting to feel special since i was never pranked by you." he said dropping the book and looking at you.

"i'm not gonna prank you, silly." you said resting your face in your hands. "i'm not in the mood."

"how come?" steven asked beginning to lazily play with his pencil.

"not having a good week." you replied sighing and admiring the table's wood while tapping your fingers on it.

"i've noticed." steven said which made you get your eyes up meeting his brown ones.

"you did?" you ask with a mischievous grin. steven's ears got red which made you laugh.

"w-well, it's not like the teachers were subtle, you know, about calling you out the last few months, to be honest." steven said stuttering. you gave the boy a large smile, even though you just wanted to laugh very hard at how cute he was, but you were at the library.

"i'm kidding! yes, everyone noticed they're obsessed with me, but honestly i don't care." you said laying your head down on the table.

"they're not obsessed with you, you are neglecting your studies." steven said and if your eyes were not closed you would have rolled it.

"blah blah blah, steven." you said gesturing with your hand.

"it's not blah blah blah, you could be expelled with this behavior." steven said. you got your head up.

"well, yes? then it would be favour they would do to me." you said crossing your arms, slightly irritated, you truly don't want to talk about it with steven, hell, why would steven talk about anything else? maybe hanging with him just inside of your head is a better option.

"really?" steven said with a scoff but seeming slight hurt.

not really. you wanted to say but just shrugged.

"look, why don't you grab some books and sit by my side; i can help you. if not, i need to finish this." he said getting back to whatever he was copying. you shook your head.

"no, i prefer to watch you." you said smirking.

"yes. watch me. because it's so fun and it will get you a bright future, right?" steven said. you almost let out a chuckle but he seemed upset.

"don't be upset with me, steven. i like you too much." you quietly whispered in a pleading, looking down while touching your nails. it's true, steven being upset with you would be the last thing you would want.

"what?" he asked you serious, his voice stronger than usual.

you look up again. was it weird? i mean, you can say you like your friends, right? so have he misunderstood it? did he really misunderstood it thou...?

"what did you just said?" steven called you again, zoning you out.

"that i like your company." you said.

"we don't even hang out alone..." steven said confused.

"yes, i know..." you said. jesus... how come you just embarrass yourself in front of steven meeks?

"i... appreciate it, anyway. i like to have you around too." steven said, quickly going back to his book and you smiled, starting to watch his features. if reading is not a hobby of yours, this could be. his looks were just so soft, it made you happy.

your eyes travel to his hand, oh, how you would like to take it into your own and just feel it. looking back to his face so invested in the chemistry book, you bite your lips, now that sight wasn't soft at all, your back hits the chair while you press your thighs together and shakes your head. this wasn't... appropriate.

steven seemed to have finished his copying as he pulled his notebook and pencil aside, but he was still very interested in the book.

"why are you looking at me like that?" steven suddenly asked scaring you.

"what?! i'm not looking at you in any way..." you quickly said and he mumbled a 'sure'.

you licked your lips, again looking at his hand, now hanging freely, should you take it? how bad could it be...? very bad. but you will never know if you don't try... you could just pretend nothing happened later if it went downhill.

you subtle put your hands close to steven's one and touch his fingertips, trying not to scare him, he didn't take his eyes off the book and you start to caress the palm of his hand, again, zero reaction. he probably thinks you're messing up with him. in a bold moment you link your hand with his, now he does look at your face in search of an explanation.

"it feels nice." you said shrugging and trying to play it cool, except you're not cool at all.

"are you needy or... what?" he asked with a frown and moving slightly in his chair but not pulling his hand away. you chuckled.

"no, i don't think so, steven." you replied looking into his eyes. he gulped and you started to caress his hand. it felt good, and right. steven was frozen while you just played with his hand, it calmed you, you pulled your head down on the table, getting sleepy.

"should i scout you back to your room? you seem like you need some rest" steven said reluctantly starting to caress your hand too. and you couldn't not stare at the action, your heart beating very fast.

"all i need is some you." you said, not caring if it sounded wrong or not. you were fine with both options. but you were curious about steven's reaction though and looked up finding a little smirk in the corner of his lips as he shook his head.

"c'mo..." he started but you abruptly interrupted him leaning in and connecting your lips giving him a quick peck, you couldn't resist. you barely har opened your eyes when you felt steven's lips on yours again, this time, you don't pull away anytime soon, otherwise, you tease him, rolling your tongue over his bottom lips and becoming surprised at how easily he opened his mouth and how your tongues were in perfect synch. steven's lips is as soft as he looks. your free hand was rested in his face and his in your waist and neck, you sucked his bottom lips and he finished the kiss with long pecks. you smiled, pecking him one more time. he felt like a magnet.

"i think i can guarantee you some me, then." he said close to your lips and you smiled again for what felt like the 100th time.

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