charlie dalton

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requested by: deadpoetTA

you smiled softly when you finished the letter you received from your mother. a couple of weeks ago your dog had gotten sick and you and your younger brother were very afraid of something worse happening to elvis, but gladly, he is all good now.

you went right away to the boy's dorm room to find your brother and tell him the good news, being careful to not be noticed, as it was extremely forbidden girls hanging around the boy's dorm room and the other way around. normally, you would tell someone to call him for you, but when you start to go out with charlie dalton, breaking rules became very appealing to you. also, you were very excited and you couldn't wait to share your joy with your brother.

so excited you didn't noticed someone in front of you and accidentally bumped into them. the impact making you stagger backward, but the person you bumped into quickly grabbed your shoulders, giving you balance again. you didn't have to look up to know who it was, his perfume was unique. not only because he would mix all three of his favorite ones, but because you had spend hours of your day smelling it already. you had bumped into the only and one, charlie dalton.

"hey, careful, i don't want you getting hurt." charlie said softly, you only gave him a large smile and hugged him for about 25 seconds.

"my dog is fine, just so you know." you told him pulling away still smiling but keeping your arms around his neck and his was in your hips. charlie made a surprised yet happy face.

"thank god, i will still be able to meet the great elvis." he told you with a smug smile and you rolled your eyes.

you and charlie are going out for quite some time now, you two obviously like each other but want to make it count, it was an unspoken deal between you two that you guys wouldn't rush it up so, it wasn't a steady relationship, yet. and when charlie makes some comment about getting serious like meeting your dog, having dinner with your parents, or marrying you even though in a jokingly way, you can't help but became very flustered.

you grabbed his face with one of your hands and licked your lips. he is so handsome... charlie smiled and leaned in giving you a long and loving peck. you felt utterly happy with the contact, no one can make you feel as good as charlie can. you smiled shyly when you two pulled away.

"i need to go and tell my brother the news." you said almost whispering, you two were so close, there's no need to be loud. charlie nodded.

"me too, i got a study group to attend." he said biting his lips, not looking very excited. "see you later, maybe?" he asked you, twisting his head a little.

"maybe..." you said smirking and backing away, continuing your walking.

"pss. pss." you heard charlie calling you and you turned back to him.

"i'm not a cat, dalton." you said amused.

"but you're sure as cute as one." he flirted while winking and you shook your head, failing to not smile and looking away, your cheeks heating up.

"what do you want?" you said crossing your arms.

"nothing, just tell you that your brother's friends are acting very odd today." he told you.

you frowned.

"what do you mean?" you asked and charlie shrugged.

"i went to his room to ask where you have been and they didn't let me enter." he told you. you nodded.

"okay, thanks for the warning." you said.

"don't mention it! and try not to get caught." charlie said before blowing you a kiss and running down the corridor. you smiled while shaking your head.

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