dating cameron but crushing on charlie

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• you and cameron being neighbors

• both your family being friends

• your family is all about tradition and honour 

• having quite a reputation 

• since your mom got pregnant they would joke about you dating cameron

• you genuinely thought he was cute when you guys started dating

• to be honest you went on one date with him and everyone, including cameron, presumed you guys were serious 

• you didn't have a say about it 

• first years being easy to handle him because he was most of the time away at welton so you were okay 

• your letters being extremely formal 

• you believed it was what love is supposed to be 

• cameron have been around your whole life, you were used to him 

• mr. nolan allowing you and your sisters to attend welton because of your family name 

• after the ceremony, cameron helps you unpack and invite you over to his dorm room 

• you sit on his roommate's bed while he unpacks and talk about some book you've both read 

• charlie entering the room and making a very flirt comment about you being in his bed 

• you giggled, you liked him already 

• cameron telling him to fuck off because you're his girlfriend 

• the expression charlie made, you swear, you haven't laughed like that for a long time 

• telling him to not mind cameron and introducing yourself 

• he kisses your hand and sit by your side, starting a conversation 

• he was genuinely interested in whatever the hell you had to say 

• and he cracked a joke every time 

• you were charmed

• cameron not being happy at all 

• "you're very lucky to have charlie as your roommate." you told cameron while he was scouting you back to your dorm room

• "he's an ass" he answered

• you being slight offended 

• at dinner, you make sure to sit close to charlie, specifically in front of him 

• "well, hello beautiful!" charles exclaimed seeing your approach, you smiled brightly 

• introducing you to the other boys 

• being included in the study group

• always hanging in cameron's dorm room 

• so obviously, you're always with charlie too

• you admiring the boy too much, he's so charismatic, funny, outgoing and carefree. you wish to be like that

• as you start to hang out more with the boys, you found yourself finding cameron extremely boring 

• what do you ever found appealing about him?

• you feel like a fairy is dying every time he kisses you 

• talking about it with charlie 

• he's kinda your best friend, to be honest 

• he asks you why don't you break up with cameron, you honestly don't know

• loving mr. keating 

• almost obsessed 

• once you were ranting about equality and he talks with you about feminism 

• feminism, that was your new favorite word, and concept, after carpe diem 

• mr. keating sneaking you books about it, as there wouldn't be any at welton

• while reading it, you start to notice that cameron is very sexist

• he would tell you what to wear, how to speak, what college you should go, to sit correctly and not laugh too loud 

• you always felt annoyed, but you never knew it was wrong

• being part of the dead poets society 

• you always being excited about it 

• it's honestly one of your favorite things in the world 

• once you made a couple of poems about feminism and women in general

• everyone loved it, expect cameron

• he told you that you should forget those stupid books and focus on real life

• almost chocking when cameron talked about you two getting married after graduating, no way in hell you would marry him

• feeling jealous when charlie brought that two girls to the cave 

• not the jealous kind of angry but the jealous kind of you of wanting to be as free as them

• but you are dating cameron

• once sleeping in cameron's dorm room and using charlie's bed, saying it was not ladylike to sleep with a boy before marriage 

• you couldn't care less

• charlie coming back early than he pretended and not knowing what to do when he saw you in his bed 

• he was anxiously pacing when you woke up and pressed yourself against the wall, giving him some room

• "come here." you said, he only smiled softly, laying by your side

• you putted your head against his chest and he caressed your back, every time his finger touched a bare skin of yours, you could feel your whole body shivering 

• you never had such a good sleep 

• the way charlie smells is definitely your favourite scent of all time

• you woke up before cameron and went to your dorm room

• but not before kissing charles cheek

• watching a midsummer night's dream close to charles 

• you loved his little comments about it next to your ear

• you felt hot, even though it was winter

• insane how much you like his company 

• after neil's suicide and all the shit cameron said and did you finally broke up with him

• honestly, you were glad and happy when charlie punched his face, or you would do it yourself 

• hugging charlie tightly after knowing that he was expelled and not helping yourself you connected your lips 

• you didn't even knew if charlie wanted it but seeing his smug smile after you pulled away you knew he did
• making out pretty hard as you two didn't know when you would see each other again 

• not long because charlie would always sneak in or you would sneak out

• welton being like hell without charlie, mr. keating or neil 

• but it soon ended and you and charlie went off to live your best lives

im living for mr. keating talking about feminism with fem! reader???? might do a whole imagine about it if i ever get the inspo. also, i feel like this whole hc could be a imagine but i was feeling too lazy when the idea popped up. 

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