charlie dalton

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"i can't believe we're really entering the woods with a stranger! have you lost your mind?" you questioned your longtime neighbor, tina.

you were happily reading the script of a movie that you got a minor part in, that is still a part, when tina and gloria appeared saying you guys we're gonna go to some "dead poets thing" which you didn't understand a single thing because first, why people would do a literature event so late at night? and second, why tina and gloria, out of all people, would want to go there? for god's sake, they don't know who damn shakespeare is.

but you know tina can be extremely annoying when she don't get what she wants, and it's better that than nothing, at least there's gonna be poetry and you wouldn't have to go to some drive-in date, plus they would stop bugging you to hang out with them all the time.

but oh, how innocent of you. they're actually going out with someone called charlie dalton. to a cave. and now you're standing at some place where this friend of theirs will met you three.

"like, for real, i just got my first real job, i can finally start to have a stable career and i'm gonna be raped and murdered into the woods because of your stupid dates, tina. that's great! murdered because i was in a place i don't even want to be." you rambled exasperated.

"i just thought you would want to go because it involves poets, god..." tina said insecure.

"darling, you're watching too much tv, relax!" gloria said soothing while caressing your hair. 

you don't have anything against the two girls, but they could be extremely clueless at times.

"yes, charlie is a really good guy." tina said standing closer to you.

"tons of serial killers seemed like one too, you know." you said sarcastically.

"besides, it's not a date but a meeting." gloria said.

"yes, his friends are gonna be there too!" tina completed.

"marvelous! rape group." you responded.

"hey girls! oh... who's this?" you heard a boyish voice behind you and you turned around seeing a boy with average height and brown hair, looking at you up and down, you scanned him as well and almost scoffed, he had a certain charm but you were truly not impressed. the girls excitedly greeted him.

"thought you guys would go for taller boys." you mocked the boy that made a very offended face before standing confidently and wrapping his arms in each side of gloria and tina.

"thought i had invited gloria and tina and not some... basket case." the charlie said with a smug smile cracking onto his lips.

"oh! fu-" you were interrupted by tina.

"charlie! don't mind her. she's grumpy but cool, believe me." tina said and charlie shrugged.

"whatever." he mumbled.

"you know what? i'm going back." you said turning your back.

"it's late! don't be so sensitive, silly. c'mon, let's go." charlie indicating with his head to follow him and you rolled your eyes, apprehensively doing so.

"if you guys only had explained this to me before i would have came with a knife." you said once you guys entered the woods.

"with all due respect, shut up. we're only students." charlie said and the girls giggled.

what am i doing here. you thought.

after some minutes you could hear loud voices coming out of a cave. gloria and tina entered first, charlie following them behind. what an unfortunate night to wear high heels. you stopped at the entrance not knowing what to do and took a mental note to not listen to the two blondies ever again. you heard the girls greeting whoever was inside the cave and charlie's voice right after.

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