neil perry

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neil perry was very usual to you. you guys don't talk, you never actually did, but he was, somehow, part of your routine. he was just an average guy, you knew it, but your mind don't quite believe in it. you have studied at welton for so many years, and you have never seen him, or noticed. maybe you noticed his glasses or something, but never exactly him, one day, you did. he and his friends were sitting at the table across the one you were while studying and that was it, after this day, you started to see him everywhere. hell, your dorm room was beside his! everywhere you saw him, everywhere you went he was there and you obviously became infatuated with him.

he seemed amazing, you couldn't help but stare longly at him. it wasn't just the looks, of course your friends had talked about his looks, but it was something else. something else that dragged your eyes to him and a need to be near him, you honestly didn't know if it was a crush crush or a friendship crush, you know? when you have a crush, but not romantically, you just wanna be friends. nonetheless, you wanted him, sit beside him, touch him, hear him. he was so cool. not only him, but his whole group of friends.

your own friends; sartori and wetzel girl and wetzel boy, said you were exaggerating and that they probably are not that cool. there are high chances of it being true, but you still insisted, if this is true, you should just discover it yourself. you just never had the right opportunity. there's no carpe diem when it came to this. what should you do? randomly pop up in their conversation and say "hi! i just think you guys are the coolest, can we be friends?" you would just look weird and dumb. but the time was passing by and you were afraid of it being exactly what you'll gotta do. why things aren't as easy as it is in books and movies?

anyway, you groaned when you took your toothbrush out of your bag and noticed it wasn't yours at all. it was the toothbrush of wetzel boy. god, a bunch of 17-year-old shouldn't be playing around with their toothbrushes, because this happens. you silently prayed to no employee be at the boy's restroom, even though you were right about getting your toothbrush back, everyone at welton seems to love drama and make a big deal out of everything. they really should start a performing arts club or something. it would suit them.

when you entered the restroom you were scared to say at least; is science correct when it says men ain't an irrational animal? you didn't even know how some had the nerve to say men are superiors than women. i mean, women's bathroom. men's bathroom. a completely different universe?

"wetzel!" you exclaimed, trying to get to the boy, but it was difficult, and it didn't help the sick jokes you were receiving either because you wanted nothing but to stop and slap whoever made it.

"hey! the toothbrush, right?" wetzel said muffled turning to face you, revealing your baby blue toothbrush inside of his mouth.

"no!" you exclaimed horrified, mouth slightly open. "wetzel, ew! that's my toothbrush." you said incredulously. you love that toothbrush. "i can't believe it." you continued to ramble as you took the toothbrush out of his mouth and handed him his oceanic colored one.

"ouch. don't be dramatic. we already kissed back in... what, 1955?" he said and you flinched, washing your toothbrush.

"don't dare to mention this dark era ever again, wetzel. and i mean it! it was years ago and it doesn't mean you can go around using my toothbrush." you said, laughing. "i need to wash this with bleach now." you joked and wetzel rolled his eyes applying toothpaste on his real toothbrush. you looked around, and seeing no one you handed him yours, you weren't going all the way back to the girl's bathroom now.

"please do, and die." he answered and you laughed.

"idiot." you said before starting to quickly brush your teeth. soon enough someone would be appearing.

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