todd anderson

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when you met the tall, blonde young man called todd anderson, neil's new roommate, you did not know how to feel about him. he was way too serious and declined your offer to join the study group, and he was the younger brother of jeffrey anderson, so the thought of him being cocky passed through your mind, but also, you thought he could only be timid. nonetheless, you felt frustrated with both options. he wouldn't make it easy to be friends with and he would probably stay around for some time.

good guess, as todd started to hang out with all of you, although the idea of him being cocky had vanished. todd is annoyingly shy. sometimes you tell neil you don't quite like the blonde, and neil takes it as a personal offense, he adores his friend.

you were only angry because he wouldn't talk to you. everyone is so nice to him and makes him feel comfortable, why he don't... talk? and things always get worse with you. every time todd and neil were chatting excitingly and you approached them, curious, todd wouldn't open his mouth again. today you decided to talk to him alone while he was getting out of the bathroom and he ran. ran, left you hanging and you had only asked him how was his day.

you were certain it was more than only being timid, todd hated you. and you had never done anything wrong, only tried to be friendly every damn time. and if he were to hate you, you hated him too. 

neil laughed at your face when you told him what happened while leaning on the closed door of his dorm room, todd away to god knows where.

"i'm being serious, neil. i will not hang out with you guys anymore if this... guy will be there too and i mean it. who the hell he think he is?" you said exasperated crossing your arms.

"jesus, give him a break. he's only a introverted." neil said, defending todd as always.

"i don't need you standing up for your little boyfriend, okay? there's a slight difference between being introvert and hating someone. he hates me, neil. he talks with all others now but me." you explained your points.

"it's because you're a girl." neil said nonchalantly while he fold his clothes.

"exactly, i'm a girl, not hitler!" you said shaking your head and neil chuckled.

"alright, if it hurts you so much i can talk to him and see if he talks to you more." neil said and you frowned.

"i'm not hurt, i couldn't care less about him." you said starting to move uncomfortable and sitting down on todd's bed, quickly getting up. "oh god, what was i thinking, sitting on his bed! i will infect little todd with my deadly illness!" you exclaimed dramatically laying down on neil's bed who rolled his eyes playfully.

"you're obsessed." neil said.

"am not! i just don't want to hang out with a stranger, because that's what he is to me." you said, playing with one of neil's shirt.

"whatever you say, dork." neil said hitting you with his shorts while passing by.

"ew, get this out of my face." you laughed kicking him and neil dropped it going to fight you. you put your hands in front of your body trying to contain neil, and failing.

"i just got it out of the laundry!" neil exclaimed pinning you down and you laughed trying to get out.

"it's still gross." you said trying to push his belly with your knees but he grabbed it too.

"if it was todd's shorts you wouldn't say that, would you?" neil teased and you groaned.

"no, i would straight away throw up." you said. in the same moment the door opened, reveling todd. you fought the urge to roll your eyes, he really pissed you.

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