knox overstreet

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"it's not going to be this bad! and if it is, at least you will be eating something different." you tried to cheer up your best friend, knox overstreet, to go to the dinner he was invited to. 

"you really think so?" he asked laying on the corridor's wall with a huff. 

"yeah, it's just one night, what so incredible could happen?" you asked grinning at him and poking his side. he was very grumpy about it, which you couldn't understand, you would love to go out for a bit. knox smiled, his humour lighting up. 

"yeah. what could happen?" he said putting his arm over your shoulder and starting to walk while kissing the top of your head. "c'mon, it's past your bedtime."

"screw you, knox." you said laughing, it wasn't even dark yet.

"hi!" a boy a year below your grade greeted you while passing by the two of you.

"why, hello!" you said waving at him.

"what was that for?" knox asked with a frown and you shrugged.

"he's nice." you said.

well, apparently a lot of things could happen as knox were waking you up smiley than ever talking about how he had met the love of his life but that she was practically engaged. you were glad that he was happy but very confused and just nodded the whole time, your head not quite following what knox was talking so passionately about and soon you drifted to sleep again. 

you woke up next day doing your normal routine, not even remembering about last night's events, just flashbacks that you couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. 
you entered the hall to eat breakfast and silent ran a little, trying to not grab the attention of the employees and scaring knox screaming next to his ears, making him spill his juice. 

"what the!" he exclaimed while you were laughing very hard and he soon joined you. "you're lucky i am in a good mood today or you would be dead by now." he added with the brightest smile you have ever seen. you smiled back, sitting by his side. 

"yes? oh, by the way, how was dinner, you went to my room last night or it was a dream? i can't remember." you said taking neil's toast who gave you a death glare, but deep down you know he don't mind.  

"you went to her room last night? after all the love declarations to the chris girl? guys we've got a womanizer here! and frankly, we thought he was a romantic." charlie exclaimed gaining giggles from the others boys and knox rolled his eyes mumbling an 'it's not like that'. you were confused. who's chris? knox turned to face you. 

"i know you were kidding about incredible things happening during the dinner, but it truly happened! i've met the most stunning, perfect, beautiful girl i ever got the chance to lay my eyes on." knox said dreamy, a visible spark in his eyes. you felt your stomach flip, a weird feeling rushing over you together with a sadness filling your chest. why's that? you should be happy about your best friend finding someone. charlie and the boys were right, knox is a romantic and you were expecting him to find a girlfriend for a long time now.

"i went to your room to tell you this, and i did but... you forgot. i still can talk about it all over again though!" he finished enthusiastically. 

"she's practically engaged. with a jerk." meeks said. then it hit you, all his talking last night. 

so knox is really in love?

"yes." neil replied.

did i said that out loud? 

"you did." this time todd replied. oh. 

"i'm happy for you, knox, but as she is practically engaged i wouldn't put my hopes up. why would she drop her boyfriend to be with you?" you asked bitting your toast softly. you heard some of the boys say 'ouch.' 

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