Chapter 10

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Leopardpaw bounced in excitement. Her first Gathering! She was pacing the clearing, waiting for the cats for the Gathering to be announced. Dawnwhisker emerged from the leaders dens, Birchstar followed. "Snowcloud, Cedarbranch,Featherwing, Mosspetal, Stormpaw, Violetpaw, Reedpaw and Leopardpaw" her call rang across the clearing. She could see that Mosspetal looked weary but she was plump.

She lifted herself to her paws and stumbled across the clearing to them. Whiteout was watching in envy from the nursery, Snakeheart was looking uncomfortable at her dislike for his littermate. "Why does Mosspetal get to go to the Gathering?" Snarled Whiteout. Not loud enough for the gathered cats to hear.

Leopardpaw shot a glare at Whiteout but she returned it with a irritated flick of her tail. Snakeheart paused and padded to Mosspetal

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here?" He asked his littermate gently. "If you're going to have kits soon-" he broke off as Mosspetal let out a snort.

"Honestly, I'm fine! Everyone's making such a fuss. I'm not the first queen to do this!" She turned back to the crowd. "If anything happens I'll come straight back here. I promise" she added.

And the cats set off for the Gathering. Snowcloud licked Violetpaws head. "Don't be nervous" She Mewed quietly to Violetpaw, who was taking shaky pawsteps. "And you, Leopardpaw." She said to her. "Don't you dare be nervous. You certainly weren't that nervous when you were bothering Rainstorm as a kit." She snorted.

Leopardpaw gave her Chest fur embarrassed licks and hurried ahead to Puddlepaw. "Hey there, Leopardpaw." She mowed with delight. "Do you know why Stormpaw won't talk to me? He's been hanging out with Violetpaw so much.." she went on with her tail drooping. "Stormpaw is a stupid furball sometimes" she said reassuringly, licking her friends shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right. But I'm his littermate, surely that makes me more important?" She said uneasily. "Violetpaws been spending more time with Stormpaw, I agree. So what do you say we spy on them?" She asked mischievously.

Puddlepaw pricked her ears. "That's a great idea!" She squeaked. A butterfly flapped in front of them. "I think that butterfly agrees too!" She Mewed jokingly.

The group skidded to a halt and Leopardpaw almost bumped into Cedarbranch's tail. She backed away embarrassed, hoping nobody saw. She stared at the steep hill that the Gathering would take place on. "How do we get up there?" She Mewed in awe. Puddlepaw shrugged.

"You climb the tree." Replied Cedarbranch. Instantly amazing Cedar coloured wings sprouted from his back. He leaped up the hill with the support of his wings and landed safely at the top. His wings flashed and disappeared.

"That's so cool! Will we be able to do that?" Said Puddlepaw. "If you train hard enough, yes" he disappeared behind the hill. "You heard him, we have to climb the trees." She Mewed determinedly.

Stormpaw clawed his way up the tree gracefully. His tail streaming behind him and his powerful muscles were supporting him. She saw Violetpaw watch with admiration and something else gleamed in her eyes. Puddlepaw watched Violetpaw with an accusing glare and leaped up the tree. She landed straight on the branch. Stormpaw has leaped onto the hill by now.

Violetpaw leaped up the tree and balanced on the branch precariously. Stormpaw leaped back and supported her. "Get back, mouse brain! It can't hold all of us!" Screeched Puddlepaw. The branch cracked and Stormpaw has leaped onto another branch. With Violetpaws scruff in his jaws. Puddlepaw, however, was falling.

"Puddlepaw!" Screeched Leopardpaw. She glanced around and spotted a clump of feathers she raced over and hauled them under Puddlepaws landing spot. Snowcloud was waiting for the apprentices to climb and leaped down the hill when she saw what happened. Puddlepaw twisted in the air and Snowcloud scooped the older apprentice in her jaws to break her fall.

Snowcloud lowered her to the ground, out of breath from the weight of the apprentice. "Thank you, Snowcloud" squeaked Puddlepaw. Stormpaw was at the hill with Violetpaw. "Puddlepaw, are you okay?" Asked Violetpaw. "Does it look like I am?" She Mewed grumpily.

"Stormpaw! Never go on a branch occupied by someone. Especially if there's TWO apprentices" Said Snowcloud. "But I was only helping Violetpaw!" He complained. They disappeared down the slope. Leopardpaw scrambles up the tree and landed on the hill.

"Puddlepaw, i understand if you don't want to stay." Snowcloud mewed sympathetically. Her eyes widened in horror. "And miss Leopardpaws first Gathering? No way!" She squeaked. She safely scrambled up the trunk and joined Leopardpaw on the hill. Snowcloud sprouted fluffy looking wings, and flew straight up the Hill. "Hill? more like mountain." She heard Puddlepaw grumble.


So many faces, so many scents, the Gathering was- amazing! Leopardpaw spotted Stormpaw sitting with a jet black apprentice. Violetpaw settled beside him. "Come on!" Puddlepaw exclaimed. "I'll introduce you to some apprentices." She padded towards a group of Ridgeclan apprentices.

"Puddlepaw!" Greeted a fluffy silver she-cat. "Shadepaw" Said Puddlepaw, licking her friends shoulder in response. Shadepaw looked at Leopardpaw. "Who's this?" She asked. "I'm- Leopardpaw" she choked out the words. Puddlepaw looked at her in amusement. "They're not like Darkclan apprentices" She Said reassuringly.

The blue-gray Tom behind Shadepaw gave a disdainful look at the Darkclan apprentices. They were snarling at young Lightclan apprentices. "We should do something." Said The Tom. "Ripplepaw is right. This is a Gathering not a battle" they pushed themselves to their paws.

"Larkpaw, bring up the rear." Said Ripplepaw. "Just like a real patrol!" Said Leopardpaw. She glanced at them self consciously at how immature she sounded. "Just like a real patrol" echoed Larkpaw.

Leopardpaw strided confidently beside them. The Darkclan apprentice sliced the young Lightclan apprentices nose. The Lightclan apprentice, who was identified as a Tom, flinched a little. But he didn't protest. He seemed aggravated by the Darkclan she-cat.

"Hey!" Said Larkpaw. The She-cat twisted around and snarled at them. "What do you want?" Her gaze mock-softened "oh, you don't have precious Berrypaw now do you?" She said sympathetically.

"We don't need Berrypaw!" Said Puddlepaw in defiance. The Tom beside the apprentice wrapped his tail around her. "Leave them, Dawnpaw." He said. "Thornpaw!" She Mewed frustrated. A sleek she-cat approached them. She looked like a warrior. Dawnpaw stared in fear at her.

"Berrypaw" Said Thornpaw. He eyed her up and down. Berrypaw stared down at him. He looked puny and weak compared to her. Dawnpaw shrank behind Thornpaw.

But the gathering had started.

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