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"C'mon Steve, you should go." Peggy begged gently pushing Steve's shoulder.

"Why?" He murmred into a pillow.
"Because you are the Captain Firefighter at brooklyn's number one station, and it's been a two bloody years." Peggy reasoned, and Steve lifted his head.

"Fine." He muttered, and Peggy smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered gently kissing Steve's temple.

"You know, he wouldn't want you to morn over him like this." Peggy straigtened her nice, blue dress.

"I know." Steve muttered pulling on a clean pair of dress pants.

"You're hair is starting to look like his." Peggy chuckled as Steve walked out of his closet dressed in a black suit.

"I guess." Steve said running a hand through his longer locks.

"Tonight, if it gets hard just tell me, and we can leave if you would like." Peggy smiled, softly placing her hand on Steve's cheek.

"Thanks, Pegs." He mumbled, and Peggy's eyes filled with sympathy.

"Maybe tonight, you'll find someone." Peggy whispered, and Steve looked up at her with those clouded, blue eyes.

"How could I find someone better than Bucky. I loved him since eigth grade. We started dating our sophtmore year of high school, and got married straight outta our senior year." Steve listend, and Peggy gently rubbed up and down his arm.

"But you said that there is someone for everyone, right?" Peggy reasoned.

"But Bucky was my someone." Steve whimpered, and Peggy lifted a shoulder.

"What if he wasn't?" She asked, and Steve looked away from her.

"Let's go." Peggy sighed, and they got in to her Jaguar XK120.

The drive was silent, but Steve was mostly silent now. He looked out the car, and Peggy quietly watched him. She parked in the fundrasier's parking lot, and she waited for Steve to get out of the car. A small smile was on Steve's face as he watched Peitro and Clint get out of the their car, followed by Peitro's sister Wanda. Clint and Peitro looked so happy, holding hands and laughing at some inside joke. Steve looked down at the wedding ring he hadn't removed. It was a silver band with Steve's name engraved in Bucky's messy hand writting. Next to it was a small, white stone shapped like a heart. Bucky's ring looked the same, but instead of Steve's name in Bucky's hand writting, it was Bucky's name in Steve's hand writting. Steve lifted his gaze from the ring, and Peggy put her hand on top of his.

"It's okay to let go." She whispered, and Steve nodded.

"I know." He said softly, and he opened the car door.

"Rogers!" Thor called, just like he did every time he saw Steve.

Thor wrapped his large arms around the other blond, and Steve hugged him back.

"Now, I know you've met him, but this is my husband Bruce." Thor said, in his accent, pointing to the man behind him.

Steve forced a fake smile that was far from his eyes and held out his hand. Bruce took it with a smile and shook Steve's hand.

"Nice to meet your Mr.Rogers." Bruce smiled, and Steve nodded.

"Please call me Steve." Then as an after thought Steve added, "Nice to meet you too Mr.Odinson."

"Dr. Banner actually, but that doesn't matter. Call me Bruce." Bruce corrected, and Steve let go of the small man's hand.

"Sorry, Bruce." He apologized, and Peggy gently hooked her arm through Steve's.

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