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Steve raised his fist, holding it so tightly that his hand shook. He took a deep breath, letting a finger slip out so he could press it on the doorbell. The door opened, and JARVIS started speaking.

“Mr.Stark is almost finished getting ready. Feel free to make yourself at home, Mr.Rogers.” JARVIS said, and Steve nodded, looking down at the bouquet of roses and marigolds. 

There was a chiming sound from the elevator in front of Steve, and he looked forward so his eyes would land on Tony in a tight pair of black jeans, a leather jacket, and a white t-shirt that was poking out from under the coat. Steve looked down at his blue shirt and dark jeans, and he got a flash of insecurity.

“You look great,” Tony smirked as if reading Steve’s mind, and Steve’s frown lifted. 

“Shall we?” Steve held his arm out, and Tony slide his into it.

“We shall.” He winked, and Steve felt the back of his neck heat up.

Tony took in a deep breath, feeling the warmth of Steve’s arm interlocked with his own. It was a different kind of warmth -not the kind you feel after sex, not the kind you feel when the fire runs on a cold winter’s day- it was...different. It was soft but constant. It didn’t ache either. And all Tony knew is that now that he had it, he couldn’t live without it.

“I hope you don’t mind. I should’ve driven my car here, but I brought my motorcycle instead. Sorry, we can take something else if you want.” Steve rambled, but Tony’s just squeezed his arm a little tighter.

“I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before.” He raised an eyebrow at Steve, and Steve’s eyebrows shot upward.

“Really? The Tony Stark hasn’t ridden a motorcycle?” He gapped, and Tony shrugged.

“I never had a reason too, and my mother is very, very against it.” Tony chuckled, and Steve swallowed hard.

“Well, mind if I take you for a spin?” 

“Not at all.” Tony smiled, running his hand along the leather seat.

Steve grabbed the helmet off the ground, and he handed it to Tony. Tony slipped the helmet on his head after taking off his sunglasses, and Steve reached out to help clip the buckle below Tony’s chin. Tony smirked at Steve, putting his aviator, dark-lensed glasses back onto his face. Steve then straddled the motorcycle seat, and Tony hopped on behind him. He slowly slipped his arms around Steve’s middle, and Steve must’ve forgotten how it felt to have someone’s arms around him like that because a small gasp escaped his mouth. Tony turned his face to the side when Steve looked back at him, to hide his own blush, and Steve couldn’t help but smile once he caught the hint of Tony’s red-tipped ears.

“Ready?” He asked, and Tony nodded.

Steve kicked up his kickstand and revved the engine of his motorcycle, the smell of gasoline surrounding them. Steve then drove forward, and Tony held him tighter, pressing his body tighter against Steve’s. They drove through the city all the way to Brooklyn. Steve smiled as they neared Coney Island. It was where Bucky took them on his first date and fond memories surrounded the place. They had their second kiss in the bathroom and then there third and fourth and fifth. Bucky had taken Steve back to Coney Island and purposed in the Ferris wheel. There were so many happy memories, that Steve thought maybe Tony and him could make their own. 

“Coney Island?” Tony asked, and Steve nodded.

“Yeah. It was where I had my first date with Bucky and seeing how well that relationship went maybe we can try it.” Steve gave Tony’s hand a squeeze, and Tony forced his well known “Tony Stark Smile”. 

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