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Two hours. I had been two hours since Steve got dressed in a nice shirt, that Sam said was too tight, and a pair of black trousers. It had been two hours since Steve had ridden his motorcycle to the small Cafe that he had promised to meet Tony at. It had been two hours since Steve sat down at the table in the back and ordered Tony's usual and an iced Americano from himself. It had been two hours of Steve sitting in the uncomfortable booth staring at the door waiting for Tony to enter. 

They had been apart for weeks because Steve ran out on him after a kiss. And, I mean, of course Tony wasn't coming. Steve kissed him and then left without another word. Why would Tony want to be with a person who barley shared because they were afraid if they let it all out there would be no going back. Steve wasn't happy, hell he wasn't even comfortable, but he could get through life easier now, and if he opened the door where he locked everything away Tony would run. Who wouldn't? Steve was so fucking broken, always had been. But this was Tony. Rich, genius, flamboyant Tony. He deserved so much more than someone like Steve. And maybe Phil was right with what he told him the other day. Tony was probably just a rebound for Steve. Steve needed to get himself back out in the world, and he had only had one boyfriend, and he got married to that boyfriend. Steve was inexperienced, and Tony would be his experience, but Steve could never imagine breaking Tony's heart. He could imagine breaking up with the man that was sitting at the counter top flirting with the barista Tony knew as Peter Parker, he could break up with the woman laughing with her friend at the table two tables away, but Steve could never break up with Tony. There was just something about him. He was interesting. He knew how to hide in the spotlight. He knew how to make people feel like he was the only thing in the room. There were so many layers to Tony, and Steve wanted to peel all of them away. Everyone knew Tony Stark. He was the billionaire that grew up with billionaire parents. He was the playboy that everyone claimed they had slept with. He was the genius that helped kids in poverty, but was known for his war ending weapons. But Steve didn't want that. He wanted to know Tony. The Tony that had a small freckle under his lip that Steve had seen right away, and always marveled at. He wanted to know the Tony that laughed with his friends and playing with water balloons. But Steve would never get to that Tony if he didn't show up to the date.

Steve glanced down at his watch, it had now been two hours and thirty minutes. Steve heard someone clear their throat, and he looked up to see Peter the barista.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. We are closing soon." Peter said, and Steve looked down at his watch.

A part of Steve was telling him to get up and leave, but the other part told him that Tony would be here in just a moment, he was just a little late. He probably was caught up with work or something far more important than Steve, but he would come anyway.

"Five more minutes?" Steve sounded like a sleep deprived teenager, and he gave Peter a weak smile.

"I'm afraid not." Peter murmured, looking embarrassed, and Steve sighed.

"Here." He said, fishing through his wallet to find his credit card.

"I'll leave." 

Peter sighed, taking the card with a small thank you, and he apologized to Steve before walking off and behind the counter. Steve sighed, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. Maybe Tony texted?

His phone screen came on, any notifications nonexistent. Of course. Steve thought. 

Peter came back over and handed him his credit card.

"Thanks for coming." the boy smiled. "Sorry your date didn't come." 

Steve shook his head, and he got out of the seat. He pushed it in behind him and watched as the barista took off his apron and kissed the man that was flirting with him. 

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