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“So a road trip, huh?” Peggy looked at Steve over the rim of her cup, taking a deep breath of the herbal tea.

“Yeah,” Steve’s lips turned upward in a smile, and Peggy smiled as she took a long sip of her drink.

Steve looked over at her, catching the smug look, and he rolled his eyes, pressing another pair of pants into his suitcase. Peggy placed her mug on a small coaster, and she got up and walked over to Steve. 

“Are you nervous?” She asked, and Steve ducked his head.

“No,” He lied, and Peggy scoffed before she refolded a pair of Steve’s jeans.

“Are you sure? It’s okay to be nervous.” Peggy said, and Steve swallowed harshly.

“I’m not nervous.” The blonde insisted, and Peggy nodded with a small hum.

“Did you buy condoms?” She asked, and Steve sputtered slightly, snapping his head upward to stare at his best friend with wide eyes.

“What?” Steve did not squeak, thank you very much, and Peggy shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh, c’mon, love. You’re going to spend a week together in the middle of nowhere. You’re going to need condoms.” She winked at Steve, and he gulped.

“I haven’t bought condoms in...” 

“Years, I know.” Peggy groaned, walking over to Steve’s couch and sitting herself down on it.

“Where do you even buy them now?” Steve wondered, and Peggy looked up with a raised eyebrow. “Do they still sell them at Walgreens?” Steve folded his last shirt and stuffed it into his back.

“I’ll go shopping with you if I must.” Peggy let out an exasperated sigh, and Steve looked down at his hands.

“But, back to my question.” Peggy sat up completely, and she leaned forward folding her hands together.

“Steve, are you going to be okay?” Her brown eyes bore into Steve’s, and he swallowed nervously, looking down slightly before lifting his eyes to meet his friends once more.

Steve started at Peggy knowing exactly what she was talking about. Steve had never gone out of state for fun in his life simply because he couldn’t afford it. Bucky's and his honeymoon was a weekend stay at the Lotte New York Palace, which meant no eating out out for a month. Steve has always been happy staying in New York, the only reason he left the state is because of the military. When Steve was younger, his mom was too poor to leave the state to find the right doctors, and when he and Bucky worked up the money to find the right ones, Steve was too sick to leave the hospital. 

“I’ll be fine,” Steve nodded, and Peggy folded her arms over her chest.

“I can’t go off of much here, but are you sure you’re going to be okay. You barely know Tony, and what I’ve read from news articles he’s a good person but quite a reckless one. I don’t want you to get hurt, Steve.” Peggy looked like she regretted what she was saying, and she looked away the moment Steve’s eyes dared to meet her’s.

Steve smiled slightly, zipping up his suitcase, and he shook his head slightly. “You’re beginning to sound like Buck.” He teased, and Peggy shrugged.

“Somebodies got to look after you, plonker.” She winked, and Steve smiled softly.

“I think I’ll be okay, and if anything happens I’ll have a way out,” Steve assured, and Peggy sighed, placing her hand gently on the side of Steve’s face.

“Lord, I’m so used to taking care of your arse,” She rolled her eyes dropping her hand after pressing a soft kiss to Steve’s cheek.

He smiled at his feet, brushing off her lipstick mark with his thumb, and Peggy retreated back to the kitchen to grab her tea. She sauntered back into the living room and took a slow sip of the drink. She sat slowly on the couch, crossing her left leg over her right, and she stared at Steve with a smirk.

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